“When I did call you didn't give me a chance to explain.” Jake raked a hand through his hair as the need to know why she'd doubted him increased. Granted he didn't have the greatest reputation, thanks to the media, but he thought she knew him better than that. Until a few weeks ago he'd thought she trusted and cared for him as much as he did her.

Charlie blinked and looked away. “When I heard you were gone and saw the picture it reminded me of …” Charlie's voice trailed off.

He might not be a psychiatrist but he knew whatever was eating at her ran deep. Without hesitation he took a step closer. With a finger he nudged her face up. The sight of her hazel eyes filled with tears tugged at his heart.

“It reminded me of my father. I was twelve when he just walked out. After I saw the picture I started to think about Blair's baby and it all snowballed.”

He knew her parents were divorced but he didn't know the particulars behind it. Though it stung he could understand how she might relate the two.

“You should have trusted me.” Resentment leaked into his words and he clenched his teeth from saying anything else he might regret.

A single tear rolled down Charlie's face. Jake couldn't stop himself from wiping it away.

“You're right, but I kept telling myself we were a temporary fling. Nothing serious so it didn't matter how things ended.”

Charlie wrapped her arms around herself and Jake suspected there was more to her story.

“My mom was devastated when my dad left. I decided that I never wanted to end up like her. I figured skipping the whole love thing was better. I've always kept relationships strictly fun and unemotional. I figured that was safer.” A nervous laugh escaped her. “Until you.”

In his mind he could imagine what it must have been like for Charlie as a little girl after her father walked out. Anger toward the man he'd never meet welled up inside him.

“I understand if you don't forgive me, but I needed to apologize. I was wrong and I wanted you to know I'm retiring from the Navy. I shredded my re-enlistment documents last night.”

Charlie took a step back as if to

leave and Jake realized he'd been silent for too long, wrapped up in his own thoughts. “Don't go. I get why you reacted the way you did and I shouldn't have assumed you'd get the message from Cindy. In the future we need to communicate better.” Even though she didn't answer him, he wrapped both arms around her slim waist and pulled her close to him. He had no intention of letting her walk out of his office.

Charlie's forehead wrinkled in confusion. “Future?”

“I know my reputation sucks and you probably think I've said this to hundreds of women but I love you, Doc.” Once the words were out Jake wondered if perhaps he'd said too much. She'd come by looking for forgiveness not necessarily a declaration of love.

“I love you too.” Charlie smiled and put her arms around his neck. “And I don't care about your reputation as long as you’re mine.”

Jake lowered his head toward hers so he could kiss her. “I'm all yours, Doc.”


A wolf whistle had Charlie turning toward the door.

“You look incredible.” Jake closed the door behind him and walked toward her.

He was dressed in a black tuxedo and she thought the same thing about him. “Thanks. Your sister helped me pick out the gown last month.”

During the six months they'd been dating she had developed a close relationship with Jake's half-sister Callie. They spoke on the phone often and whenever Callie came to Washington to see her father she always stopped in for a visit. After having to decline several invitations to visit New York because of work, Charlie had finally made it up the month before.

Jake wrapped his arm around her waist and began to leave a trail of kisses down her neck. “What do you say we skip the party downstairs? No one will notice.” Jake reached the base of her throat, then began to work his way back up the other side.

As tempting an offer as it was, Charlie didn't want to miss the New Year's Eve party the Sherbrookes had planned. When she arrived at Cliff House two days earlier the place had already been a buzz of activity with preparations. According to Jake's mother, the Sherbrookes had been throwing a New Year's Eve ball at the mansion since 1900, and it was attended by everyone from top government officials and multimillionaires to A-list celebrities. Every time Charlie thought about that fact she almost had to pinch herself.

Actually she'd been doing a lot of that during the past six months with Jake. Not that she was complaining. She was in love with an incredible man who loved her and she had a fantastic new position at Memorial Hospital. Life couldn't get much better.

“What do you say? Should we let everyone celebrate without us?”

Charlie pulled his arms away from her waist. With him so close she was about ready to give in. “I have a better idea. Let’s go down for a little bit then come back up here for our own mid-night celebration.”

Jake sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “If that is what you really want.”

She almost laughed at his expression. He looked as if she had just taken away his favorite toy.