The receptionist moved her hands away from her keyboard. “I'm sorry. He's scheduled for meetings all day. If you want to make an appointment maybe he can see you later this week.”

Later in the week? She didn't think she could wait that long. Now that her mind was made up, she needed to execute her plan.

Charlie clenched her fists by her sides. “I only need a few minutes. He must have a little time free today.”

“His next appointment is standing behind you.”

She'd forgotten that the man from the elevator was behind her.

“I can wait Kimberly. If this is who I think it is, Jake will want to see her. Let Cindy know Dr. O'Brien is here for him.”

Charlie whipped her head around toward the man who'd moved to stand next to her. How had he known who she was? Evidently whoever he was, he was more than just a business associate.

The receptionist picked up the phone. “Okay, Mr. Hall.”

“Thank you.” Charlie bit her tongue to keep herself from asking how he knew who she was.

In response the man extended his hand. “Christopher Hall. Jake told me a lot about you.”

She didn't know if that was a good thing or not, but since he was helping her to get what she wanted she decided not to think about it. “I won't be long,” she said.

“Take your time.”

Just then a slim gray-haired woman came around the corner. “Dr. O'Brien. I'm Cindy Thomas, Mr. Sherbrooke's assistant. Please follow me.”

Not a single person glanced her way as Charlie followed the older woman toward the line of office doors on the right-hand side. The assistant stopped at the last closed door in the corner and raised her hand to knock but stopped just before her knuckles made contact.

“You called to speak with Mr. Sherbrooke while he was in England didn't you?”

Charlie nodded curious as to why the woman asked but didn't question her. Any questions would only delay her.

“I wish you had given me your nayouryoume. name. Mr. Sherbrooke left instructions to tell you where he'd gone if you called.”

Charlie's stomach flipped as guilt mixed with the anxiety already racing through her body.

Before she could think of a response the assistant knocked and entered the office.

“Christopher says to take your time. He went downstairs for coffee,” Cindy said. Then she gestured for Charlie to enter and closed the door behind her.

As the door clicked behind her, Jake rose from his spot behind a large meeting table and took a few steps toward her. He was wearing black dress pants and a crisp white shirt. The knot of his red necktie had been loosened and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up exposing his tanned muscular forearms. For a moment she couldn't do anything but stare at his arms and remember how right it had felt to be held in them. How special and cared for she had felt.

Man, she hoped she hadn't blown things with him. Closing her eyes, Charlie took in a deep breath and then exhaled. It's now or never, she thought as tiny beads of perspiration trickled down her back.

“I know you're busy, but I need to talk to you.” Charlie locked her eyes on his face. The barest hint of a beard covered his face reminding her of how he looked first thing in the morning. “And I didn't want to do it over the phone.”

So far Jake hadn't said a word but his face did all the talking. Usually his mouth was set in a relaxed friendly smile that made others feel at ease, yet right then it was drawn tight and apprehension lurked in his eyes.

“I'll leave right after I say what I came here to tell you, if you want.” Charlie forced her feet to remain still. Fidgeting would only give away how nervous she was, besides only children fidgeted.

Still in shock at having Charlie show up at his office, Jake nodded toward the chairs around the meeting table. “Do you want to sit?”

Sitting was the last thing he wanted. More than anything he wanted to embrace her and then demand that she explain her behavior. But he didn't do either.

“Not now thanks.” Charlie gripped her hands together. “I came to apologize. When I heard you left Virginia and then saw that picture of you with another woman I jumped to conclusions. I shouldn't have done that. I was wrong.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to say yeah you were, but he held the words back. Sarcasm wouldn't accomplish anything. “Sophia, AJ's girlfriend, called just after midnight. AJ had just been rushed to the hospital. I didn't have time to call before I flew out. I assumed you would call here when you couldn't get me so I asked Cindy to explain the situation to you when you did. But that didn't happen.”

“She told me before I came in.”