“Just want I wanted to hear.”

She knew by his tone that he was smiling and turned to confirm her belief. Even though she expected it, the hundred-watt smile spreading across his face set her pulse racing. Damn, she should be used to that smile by now. What was wrong with her?

“You do know that no beach picnic is complete without a walk along the water?” Jake replaced the empty containers into the basket.

“Oh, really? So there are written rules for these types of things?”

Jake's eyebrow went up. “Of course. There's a whole rule book.” His tone contained just the right amount of arrogance and playfulness. “And after a walk the couple must retreat to the nearest bedroom. It's all spelled out in the book.”

She couldn't help but shake her head. Jake Sherbrooke made her laugh more than anyone else she knew. “Let's go then. I don't want to get caught breaking the rules.”

Charlie let Jake help her to her feet and together they started down the beach along the shoreline. For a little while they walked in silence, but she didn't mind. In some ways she actually liked it. The lack of conversation let her focus on the sound of the crashing waves and the way the cool ocean breeze felt against her skin.

“Are you going to apply for that position at the hospital in Williamsburg?” Jake asked breaking the comfortable silence between them.

The week before, a former colleague who knew Charlie was considering retiring from the Navy had given her a heads-up about an opening at Memorial Hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia.

“I sent in all the paperwork yesterday. I don't know how long it will take to hear something.”

Jake stopped walking and put his arm around her waist. “Does that mean you've decided to leave the Navy?”

The waves washed up over Charlie's feet as she stood staring out at the ocean. This was the first time he'd asked her if she'd made up her mind. Charlie wished she could say yes. But she couldn't. Actually she was no closer now to making a decision than she had been when she left Virginia. “Honestly I don't know yet. One minute leaving seems like the right decision and then the next I am telling myself it would be a huge mistake.”

Charlie watched a boat off in the distance bob on the water and it reminded her of how she felt about her future. One minute she was optimistic about a change and then the next her enthusiasm plummeted. “Do you have any thoughts?”

When Jake didn't answer immediately, she turned to look at him and was surprised by the seriousness of his expression. His grin was gone and his eyebrows drew downward as if deep in thought.

“Unless you're sure you want to make the Navy your life, I think you should retire. This position in Williamsburg sounds like the perfect opportunity to move forward with your life without having to completely start over somewhere else. “

Charlie opened her mouth to respond but then closed it. Knowing how he felt about the military, she'd expected an entirely different answer from him. “I never thought of it that way,” she said unable to come up with anything better.


Jake felt the wheels of the plane touch down but ignored it; content to sit kissing Charlie who sat on his lap with her arms wrapped around his neck.

Slowly he felt her pull her mouth away from his. “We landed,” Charlie said, her voice echoing his own disappointment.

“So? We have a few more minutes.” He settled his lips on top of hers again. A few more minutes weren’t enough. What he wanted was another day with her. If he didn't have a meeting in Virginia tomorrow morning he'd ask her to stay in Boston with him for the night. Their two days together had flown by. In fact, she hadn't left yet and already he was thinking about when he'd be able to see her again.

Could he somehow resche

dule his meeting for tomorrow? Jake ran through all that rescheduling would entail. The meeting was set for eight in the morning, so he knew it wouldn't give the other parties involved enough lead time.

“Next time we do this it has to be for more than two days,” Jake said as they exited the plane. “And maybe to some place more exotic. Any thoughts?”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and entered the airport. As they walked he got the sense that they were being watched. Jake let his eyes wander in search of anyone unusual. At first glance he didn't detect anyone, but when he was about to shrug off the feeling of unease, he saw the photographer. He was trying to blend in with the other tourists, but he didn't quite fit in. He had no visible luggage and the camera hung around his neck was too high-end for an everyday vacationer.

“I hope you're ready for your magazine debut.”

Charlie looked over at him, her forehead wrinkled in confusion.

“That guy in the black shirt and baseball hat is a photographer. I don't know for who, but I am positive of it.” Jake knew it was only a matter of time before the media picked up on his most recent relationship, he just hoped Charlie was as ready as she thought.

“It might be a coincidence,” Charlie offered.

Jake was glad to hear that she sounded calm about the whole thing.

“Maybe, but he saw us. He probably got a picture too.” Any other woman he knew would be hoping the photographer had snapped a picture or two, not Charlie.