After a breakfast of freshly baked scones and fruit, Charlie took her time getting ready. She felt no need to rush and Jake didn't seem in any hurry either. In fact, by the time Charlie showered and dressed the clock read noon and Jake still hadn't finished getting dressed

What are we up to today? Charlie sat in a leather recliner watching television while she waited for Jake. The slowpoke was still in the bedroom getting dressed. Whoever said women took forever to get ready obviously hadn't met a twenty-first century man.

She pressed the up arrow prepared to scroll through the TV stations a third time when Jake entered the media room. Water still clung to his hair making it appear a much darker shade of blond than usual. He wore shorts and a t-shirt indicating that his plans were casual.

“Let’s go,” he announced as he leaned one shoulder against the door frame. “Unless you'd rather stay inside.”

Charlie switched off the television and stood. “I'm the one who's been waiting.” She crossed to the door and stopped.

“I promise you won't be disappointed. But you do need to wear this.” Jake told her pulling a black bandana from his pocket and moving toward her.

Charlie pulled the bandana from his hand and held it over her breasts. “Well, if I'm going to wear this then you're definitely overdressed.”

“Not a bad idea, but not what I had in mind,” Jake said grabbing the bandana back and covering her eyes. Once secured, he took her hand.

Warmth spread up her arm and through her body at his touch as they walked down a set of stairs. He remained silent as he led her, and Charlie wondered just where he was taking her.

She could tell they were walking through the house though she had no idea in what direction. Soon she felt the ocean breeze on her face and she knew they were outside, most likely on the lower deck. In the distance she heard the roar of the waves, and the warm sun above beat down on her as Jake continued to lead her toward his surprise.

“Just one last step,” Jake told her as he helped he

r down a staircase.

Charlie felt the surface beneath her sandals change from something solid to sandy and she knew they'd stepped onto the beach. The walked a short distance before Jake again stopped. “Okay, you can sit now.”

A visit to the beach didn't seem like all that much of a surprise considering where they were, yet she didn't complain. After all it was a flawless day and she was on a private beach with possibly the most gorgeous man alive. Really what was there to complain about?

Sinking to her knees Charlie waited. Behind her she felt Jake loosen the knot in the bandana. When the cloth dropped she blinked a few times as her eyes grew accustomed to the bright sunshine. Then she really looked around. Spread out in front of her was a red and white checkered table cloth with a huge wicker basket in the middle. Two champagne flutes stood in front of the basket with a bottle of champagne on ice right next to them.

“Surprise!” he said dropping down to his knees next to her.

A picnic, she thought, unable to say anything around the lump in her throat. He'd brought her on an old-fashioned picnic. “You remembered,” she whispered, her voice almost impossible to hear over the waves. “I can't believe you remembered.”

Jake popped open the champagne bottle and poured her a glass. “Playboys have terrific memories. Didn't you know that?” he asked as he handed her a glass.

Charlie took a sip from her glass. The bubbles tickled her throat and she savored the taste. She generally preferred beer when she drank, but this champagne was the smoothest she'd ever tasted. “I didn't know that, but I'll keep it in mind for the future.”

“If you ever have any other questions about us, don't hesitate to ask.” Jake smiled at her as he began to pull food from the picnic basket.

Oh, she had questions all right. She just chose not to ask them. Some questions were better off not asked. “I'll remember that too,” she promised accepting the dinner plate he held out.

All the food spread out in front of her looked good but she still held back. “It all looks great. I'm not sure what to try first.”

Jake reached for a cherry tomato stuffed with what looked like fresh mozzarella cheese and basil. “I suggest you start with one of these. I stole one earlier and they're delicious.” After placing it on her plate he reached for another. “I tried some of the focaccia too.”

“Why am I not surprised?” Charlie popped the tomato in her mouth and chewed. Jake was right, it was delicious.

A better picnic never existed, at least Charlie believed so. Everything about their beach picnic, from the food to the location, was perfect. And the company wasn't half bad either, she thought looking over at Jake. Though she felt ready to burst from all the food she'd eaten, he sat munching on yet another brownie. Not that she blamed him. If she had any more room left she'd indulge in one more herself. Perhaps if any remained later she'd have one, although watching Jake eat, that possibility seemed unlikely.

Straightening her legs out, she leaned back and rested on her elbows. The hot beach sand warmed her bare legs and Charlie wiggled her toes underneath it. She almost never made it to the beach, but whenever she did she was reminded how much she liked it. Today even more so thanks to the company. Just being on the beach seemed to help wash away the stress of everyday life.

“You look deep in thought over there. How many pennies will it cost for them?” Jake's question signaled that he'd finished his most recent brownie.

“I'll consider this one on the house since you went to all this work,” Charlie answered pointing to the remnants of their picnic. “I was thinking about how much I like the beach. I always seem to forget that till I get back to one.”

“Then I'm glad I picked it for our picnic.” Jake leaned over and dropped a kiss on her cheek. “I hope you enjoyed it.”

Words didn't normally fail her. Actually she couldn't think of a time when she hadn't been able to express her opinion with ease. Right now, however, the right words escaped her. In silence Charlie watched the waves hit the beach and recede again. “I'll never forget it.” The huge knot in her throat almost chocked off the last part of her sentence much to her frustration. She considered herself a calm cool woman, not someone ruled by emotions. This afternoon though she felt like just the opposite.