“I knew I could convince you,” Jake replied smugly. “I'll have a car pick you up and bring you to the airport. I'll meet you there.”


Jake leaned back in the plush leather seat and stretched his legs out as his last conversation with his lawyer replayed in his head. He'd suggested that Jake consider paying Blair off. As much as he wanted this scandal to disappear, he refused to play her game. It now made sense why she repeatedly tried to change his mind about their relationship. She wasn't the first woman to use him for his money. Unfortunately, he didn't have another quick and easy way out of this situation. Not unless he wanted to drag his cousin into things. Charlie suggested he reconsider his decision on that front. He knew she meant well, but she didn't understand his cousin's fragile state. Even if he just announced that he'd been in England during March the media would somehow track down his exact whereabouts. They always seemed to. Once they did that, it wouldn't be hard to trace things back to AJ. He wouldn't let that happen. No one else in the family knew about AJ's problem and he'd promised to keep it that way. If it meant he had to make some sacrifices to keep his promise, oh well. Both his family and Charlie seemed willing to stick by him.

The fact his family remained behind him didn't surprise him. While they may not always agree or support his decisions, they would never turn their back on him. Charlie, on the other hand, did surprise him a little. The fact she had not tossed him out on his ass when she read the magazine pleased him, more than he thought possible in fact. After all, in many ways they barely knew each other. But at the same time he felt closer to her than any other women he'd dated. Jake didn't know what that meant in the long term, though he did know he was looking forward to another weekend together. This time away from both their families.

Reaching for his drink he realized this would be their first weekend alone. Every time they'd been together either her family or his were close by. The thought made him smile. No one else around meant no distractions or interruptions.

A few minutes later the small plane touched down. Eager to see Charlie, Jake came to his feet. If everything went as planned the car he'd sent to pick her up at the Victorian Rose would arrive soon.

A warm breeze washed over him as he stood outside the airport. A group of girl scouts passed him on their way inside for a tour of the airport, but Jake didn't notice them. His mind was planning the next few days. He already scheduled reservations for dinner. But after that he had nothing planned. As far as he cared they could spend the entire weekend locked up in their room, coming out just for food. Still it wouldn't hurt to have a few other ideas just in case Charlie wanted to see some of the island. After all, it was her first time on Martha's Vineyard. Perhaps a short excursion for some sightseeing or shopping was needed. Many talented artists and jewelry makers called the island home.

The sound of several car doors slamming grabbed Jake's attention. From behind his dark glasses his eyes scanned the people heading his way. The minute his eyes locked on Charlie walking toward him a calmness he hadn't realized was missing settled over him. Until the moment he saw her, he hadn't realized how restless he'd been. With her suddenly in reach he felt grounded, as if he was just where he was meant to be.

He couldn't help but smile when she saw him and waved. Today her vibrant red hair hung free and the breeze was blowing it in every direction. She wore a pair of denim shorts and a plain black t-shirt. Although the outfit didn't scream “look at me”, he couldn't tear his eyes from her.

“You're late,” he said in his best no-nonsense tone. She'd told him before how much she hated being late so he couldn't help but give her a bit of a hard time now.

Charlie stopped in front of him, her hands on her slim hips. “Not all of us have a private plane, Mr. Sherbrooke.”

She kept any hint of laughter out of her voice, but he noticed her lips curved ever so slightly as she fought back a smile.

“Some of us had to deal with traffic on the highway.”

He stopped a grin from spreading across his face. She never held anything back. She seemed to tell him exactly what was on her mind. “I'll forgive you this time. Just don't let it happen again.” Jake took two steps forward and pulled her possessively toward him. When his arms went around her it almost felt as if a switch flicked inside his head. The minute he felt her pressed up against him all of his worries faded away. That fact unnerved him. How could someone he'd known such a short time have such an effect on him? And what should he do about it?

Now isn't the time to think about it. This weekend is all about relaxing and having fun.

“The plane is waiting for us.” Jake took a step back and picked up her bag. “Ready to go?”

Charlie took hold of his free hand and fell into step next to him. “All set.”

Jake led her inside the airport and through a restricted area, then back outside to the private air strip where their plane sat ready to go. “I think you'll love the house we're staying in. It belongs to a good friend of mine. He bought it a few years ago, but only gets there maybe once a year.” Jake put her bag in a storage compartment, then pulled her down into one of the seats and prepared to make this his most enjoyable plane ride ever.


Charlie walked along the uppermost deck with a mug of coffee in hand and took in the view. She couldn't imagine owning a piece of property like this and only getting here once a year. She didn't know where the homeowner spent most of his time, but it couldn't possibly compare to this. Setting her mug down on a table, she glanced over the railing at the secluded beach below. Maybe today she would check it out. Since it was part of the property no one else could use the beach, and it remained pristine thanks to the home's maintenance staff. She doubted even a single piece of drift wood could be found on the sand.

Through the open screen door she heard Jake moving around inside. When she woke up he'd looked so peaceful she didn't want to disturb him, so she'd made a pot of coffee and come outside. That had been more than an hour ago.

As she leaned against the railing she wondered what he had planned for the day. The previous afternoon they'd walked through the center of town checking out some of the local businesses before having a dinner at The Blue Herring, the most exclusive restaurant on the island.

He knows how to spoil a girl, Charlie thought as visions of their dinner replayed in her mind.

Behind her the screen door opened and closed. “Why didn't you wake me?” Jake wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against his side.

“You looked so adorable sleeping. I didn't have the heart,” she teased before dropping a quick kiss on his cheek.

“Adorable? I looked adorable?” He asked with mock outrage. “I'm going to get you for that one.”

“Just try.”

Jake took a long drink of coffee before replying. “Those sound like fighting words.”

“You can take them anyway you want,” Charlie tossed back, enjoying the silly banter. “So what's on the agenda for today?” As she spoke Charlie looped her arm around his waist and leaned into his side.

“For starters, breakfast. It’s ready when you are. After that you'll just have to wait and see.”