She didn't want to believe him. It didn't fit with the man she knew.

Perhaps seeing the uneasiness on her face, he reached for her and pulled her close again. “I didn't sleep with all of the women I took to the clubs. I just created the image to show my parents I was my own man. But the media didn't know that. And my parents saw the pictures and made their own assumptions.”

She could understand how everyone would come to that conclusion. Even she had believed that Jake was the playboy Prince Charming the media portrayed. His parents knew the real man, though, didn't they? She didn't think they would just blindly accept what the media printed about him. However, convincing Jake didn't seem likely. So instead of trying, she switched the topic back to his immediate concern.

“It still doesn't bother me. Trust me I can handle whatever she writes.” Charlie leaned in and brushed her lips against his. A delightful shiver of desire ran through her at the brief contact and every inch of her body called out for his touch. Forcing herself to go slow she ran her hands up his forearms and over his well-defined biceps before making a path down his chest. As she moved her hands over his flat stomach she felt his muscles tighten. When she reached the hem of his polo shirt, she slipped her hands under and reversed her previous path. Under her fingers she felt his muscles bunch and tense. At the same time she heard the slight change in his breathing.

With her heart hammering in her ears she pushed Jake gently to the floor of the gazebo, their earlier conversation forgotten. As they kissed she felt his hand slip under her shirt and up her spine. His hands were callused from working outside but the roughness only seemed to intensify the experience of having his hands on her body again; an experience she didn't think she would ever tire of.

Through the thick haze of desire, she heard gravel crunching under tires. As if just awakening from a dream, Charlie remembered they were in the gazebo behind her mom's bed and breakfast. Not the best place for getting up, close and personal.

“Now might be a good time to go upstairs,” Jake whispered near her ear.

She could feel his uneven breathing on her cheek and she couldn't contain a smile. She liked knowing she could affect him just as much as he did her.

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Charlie tossed the remains of their snack into a basket. Later she would wrap the leftover blueberry turnovers. Right now her body urged her to work fast and get to a place where they could continue what they'd already started.

With everything cleaned up, Jake helped her to her feet and they sprinted toward the back door. She assumed whoever had arrived would go through the front entrance. Only family used the door that led into the kitchen. She guessed wrong though and almost collided with Sean.

Sean remained silent as he glanced from Charlie to Jake then to the basket. “Need seconds that badly?” he asked finally.

“Something like that,” Charlie answered. She sensed her brother knew exactly where they'd been heading.

“Don't let me stop you.” Without another word he walked back toward his loaded pickup truck in the driveway.

From here she couldn't tell what all the boxes in the truck contained, but she guessed it would take Sean awhile to carry them all inside by himself.

Next to her Jake let go of her hand. “Need help?” he called out as if reading her mind.

Turning around to face them again, Sean eyed Jake for a moment before answering. “If you're offering, I'm not saying no.”

Her brain knew it was the right thing to do, and if Jake hadn't offered, Sean never would've asked. Still, disappointment washed over her. Removing boxes from her brother's truck was not what her body wanted to be doing right now. It wanted to be upstairs removing Jake's clothes instead.

“The bed isn't going anywhere,” he whispered in her ear, his warm breath caressing her cheek. “Your brother and I can take care of this if you want to go in,” he added before kissing her.

“Are you sure? I don't mind.” The more people working the sooner she and Jake could continue what they started.

“Jake's right. We’ve got this. Go on in.”

“Don't say I didn't offer.” Charlie didn't have a good reason to argue with her brother so she carried the remains of their snack and went inside.

Jake watched her walk into the house then joined Sean at the back of his truck.

“Gonna be around long?” Sean asked.

“Till Monday.” Jake pulled a large box out of the truck bed.

Sean reached for another as well but didn't pick it up. “Does Charlie know about your pregnant ex? If not I suggest you tell her.”

Jake didn't miss the threatening tone of the statement. He wanted to hate the guy for it, but if the tables were reversed he could see himself doing the same thing. How many times had he done similar things on Sara's behalf? More times than he cared to count.

“I don't want her hurt. Understand? And your arm wouldn't be the first I've broken on my sister's behalf without her knowledge.”

He didn't doubt Sean could do it without breaking a sweat either. Charlie's brother reminded him of a brick wall. “She knows everything O'Brien. Just for the record it's not mine.”

“Glad to hear it,” Sean said, his voice losing its menacing tone.