Like I would ever tell you. “We're friends,” Charlie answered, pleased at how nonchalant she sounded.

Across the table her mother waved a hand in the air dismissing Charlie's comment. “She doesn't believe me. I keep telling her he wouldn't have come up here this weekend if they were just friends. Don't you agree? Men don't drive that far more than once in a week to see friends.”

Charlie envisioned herself stuffing the dish towel hanging from the stove in her mother's mouth. At this rate her mother was going to give the reporter enough information to write an entire book not just a single article.

“He's here now?”

Charlie could almost see the reporter's radar go up, and before she could reply her mom offered up an answer.

“He got here last night. I think he plans on staying till Monday. Right, Charlie?'

She wasn't positive but she thought she heard the reporter mutter ‘interesting’ as she scribbled something down on her pad. Her instincts told her she should ask the reporter to leave, but she held back. If she did, the nosy reporter would assume she was hiding something and that may only make things worse for Jake. So instead she poured herself a coffee and sat down at the table. If nothing else maybe she could run interference with some of the questions. Otherwise who knew what her mother might tell the reporter.

“So you're the woman that people saw him playing mini-golf with in Newport.” This time the reporter directed her question right at her.

Charlie found it unsettling to have people referring to her, yet it shouldn't shock her. After all she spent the weekend with a man that media considered an international playboy. “We went for ice cream and decided to play a round.” Charlie tried to keep her voice level and devoid of any emotion.

Marcy Blake scribbled something down on her notepad. “Has he told you how he feels about becoming a father?”

Charlie's knuckles turned white as she gripped her coffee mug. No matter what answer she gave it would come off sounding bad. “If he ever has kids someday, I'm sure he'll be a great father. Like I said he seems big into family.”

“You mean when,” Marcy replied raising one of her manicured eyebrows. “His ex-girlfriend Blair Peters is expecting. Didn't he tell you?”

Charlie pictured herself tossing the coffee mug at Marcy's head as she debated how to reply. Engaging in a pissing match with the woman would accomplish nothing, but she still couldn't resist the urge to defend Jake. “So she says. Now unless you have any questions about the work Mr. Sherbrooke did here, you should go. My mother and I have a lot to do this morning before the guests come down for breakfast.”

Marcy Blake closed her notepad and stuffed it into her Coach bag. “Of course. I have some other stops to make before I leave town anyway.” Marcy gave them both a blinding white smile. “Thank you both for your time.”

Charlie released the death grip on her coffee mug and stood. “I'll show you out.” She didn't trust the woman and would

n't put it past her to wander around the house looking to talk to other guests or to run into Jake himself.

Chapter 10

Charlie felt Jake's arm drop across her shoulders and she willingly snuggled close to him as he pulled her against his side. At their feet sat the remains of their late afternoon snack.

“I didn't mean to drag you into this. But you need to be prepared for what might come next.”

“Marcy Blake didn't get anything interesting from me. So relax.” Though he seemed more relaxed now than he had when she'd told him about the reporter's visit, she could still feel the tension in his muscles.

“You don't understand. She's going to paint you as the other woman. It won't matter that we met after Blair and I split.”

Charlie heard the anger and frustration in his voice, and she wondered who he was more upset with the reporter or himself. She sensed it was an even split.

“She'll put whatever twist she needs to sell more magazines.”

Charlie pulled away from his embrace. The setting sun cast his face in shadows but she could still see his incredible sapphire blue eyes. Normally his eyes were bright with a devilish look, but this afternoon they were hard and filled with anger. “Let her. I don't care. If anyone asks me, I'll tell them the truth.”

Jake gave her a pitying look as he shook his head. “You don't get it. People won't believe you.” he said forcefully. “I'm not even sure my parents believe me. When they see whatever twist that vulture puts on this story, they'll probably doubt me even more.”

Some of the anger left his voice only to be replaced by sadness. She understood the anger toward Marcy Blake and the media, but she didn't get his feelings toward his parents. When she met his family at the wedding they seemed close. “Why?” It wasn't any of her business, but she couldn't stop herself from asking anyway.

For a minute he looked away from her. She wanted to press him for an answer and had to bite down on her lip to keep quiet. When he turned back to her his mouth was tight and grim.

“You could say I've never been the dutiful son. They've always had this master plan for me and I’ve never followed it. Instead I've always gone out of my way to do my own thing. The one time they got their way is when they stopped me from joining the Navy, and I've regretted it ever since,” Jake said.

Charlie kept silent as he began to explain. Somehow she knew he didn't share information this personal with everyone.

“They'd deny it but I think they wanted to turn me into a clone of Dylan. When I went to college I did everything possible to separate myself from him. Got into the club scene. Showed up with a different actress or model all the time. Hit the casinos in Vegas and Monaco. The media picked up on it and my reputation as a playboy was born.”