Raw energy and excitement rolled off Jake in waves as they walked down the deserted hall, adding to her building excitement. The trip up the stairs was quick and at the top he reached for her and pulled her against him. As he kissed her she could feel his arousal through their clothes. Charlie could feel the pent-up urgency in his kiss as he teased her mouth open and thrust his tongue inside. Just knowing she caused his arousal sent a jolt of power to her brain. Never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined she could stir such desire in man like Jake Sherbrooke.

Somehow, without letting her go, they stumbled down the hallway. With one arm still wrapped around her, he used his other to open the door.

Charlie heard a distinct click and knew he'd locked the bedroom door behind them. This is it, she thought. She'd dreamed about this moment since their first kiss outside the hospital and now it was about to happen.

Jake let go of her long enough to pull off his jacket and vest. As he did, Charlie took the opportunity to look around at what she guessed was his room. Slightly larger than her guest room, it was distinctly masculine including the huge four-poster bed positioned opposite the bank of windows. A black and red Persian rug covered much of the hardwood floor and a tall chest of drawers sat between two other doors in the room.

Later she would have to check out the view from the windows. She suspected it was even better than the one from her room. Right now though she had another view she wanted to see. Turning on her heel, she noticed that Jake had pulled his white dress shirt out of his pants. Before he could begin to unbutton it, she moved closer to him and brushed his fingers away from the tiny buttons.

“Let me,” she whispered against his lips. She heard a deep intake of breath and couldn't contain her smile.

Charlie took her time undoing each tiny pearl button. Between each one she placed a gentle kiss on his lips or caressed his arm or back. The change in his breathing let her know her actions excited him. As she trailed a hand down his chest she wondered just how long she could tease him before he turned the tables. Jake didn't give her the opportunity to do anything else before tearing his arms out of the shirt as soon as she slipped the final button from its hole. The white t-shirt he wore underneath immediately followed, both of them quickly landing in a pile on the floor.

Jake with clothes on was gorgeous, but half-naked he was simply a sight to behold. Unable to stop herself, she ran a hand over his powerful chest then down his sculptured abs. She felt his abs contract and a new feeling of empowerment flowed through her. Without pausing she let her hand travel down further toward his belt buckle. With deliberate movements she undid the buckle making sure her hand brushed over his erection more than once.

After her third pass, he gripped her wrists. “I suggest you let me finish.” Jake didn't wait for a reply. Once he undid his tux pants and added them to the growing pile on the floor he took a step back toward her. “My turn.”

He began by pulling the pins from her hair. Once the twist she'd fashioned was gone, he slid his hands over her bare shoulders and back to the zipper of her dress. Inch by agonizing inch Charlie felt the zipper move downward until the only thing holding the dress up was the fact that her body was pressed tightly against Jake.

“I think it's time we get rid of this.” As Jake whispered in her ear he took a step back and the dress began to fall away from her body.

Determined to remain calm, she fought the unexpected urge to grab the dress and yank it back into place, and when the dress hit the floor around her ankles she deliberately stepped out of it. Her heart pounded an erratic rhythm as she stood there in nothing but her white lace thong, strapless bra and heels. Despite her discomfort she never once looked away from Jake's face.

The raw desire she saw on his face as his gaze slowly and seductively slid down her body extinguished any fears and replaced them with a burning desire that set every inch of her body on fire. Her entire body craved his touch and she wanted nothing more than to fall into the bed behind them, wrap her body around his and satisfy her craving. With every intention of doing just that Charlie took a step toward him, but Jake reached for her first and held her in place. Slowly his eyes traveled from her face down to her feet and then back again. As his gaze moved over her it left a trail of pulsing excitement behind on her skin.

“You're sexier then I imagined.”

Whether because of his compliment or the way his eyes devoured her, Charlie's confidence grew stronger. Before she could rethink her decision, she undid the tiny hooks at the back of her bra and tossed it on the floor. At the sound of Jake's sharp intake of breath she smiled. Before she could do or say anything else he closed the gap between them and scooped her off her feet.

The hard muscles of his chest and arms felt warm and secure against her already overheated skin. What would it be like to be held like this every day? To wake up in the morning surrounded by his arms and to fall asleep every night tucked safely up against his chest? Charlie couldn't dwell on the questions for long because Jake's mouth once again settled possessively on hers and thoughts of anything but the feeling of his warm hard body against hers disappeared into the night like smoke blowing in the wind.

Without breaking contact with her mouth, he deposited her in the center of his bed. Then with excruciating slowness Jake made love to her mouth with his lips and tongue while he teased and caressed the rest of her body. Though she wanted to reciprocate the sweet torture, he wouldn't allow it. Every time she tried to reach for him, he pushed her hands away.

“This isn't fair.” Charlie moaned as she tugged at his thick hair.

“Seems fair to me,” Jake whispered, his breath warm against her nipple.

She wanted to argue but the sensations coursing through her body were too exquisite.

Jake seemed to take his time learning every inch of her body. By the time he was done kissing and caressing her, Charlie was close to begging him to take her. Then just when she opened her mouth to beg him to end his torture, she heard the rustling of a foil package.


The heavy fog of sleep slowly dissipated and Jake opened his eyes. Right away he was aware of two things. The early morning rays of sunlight were streaming through his window and Charlie's warm body was pressed up against his. Sliding a hand under his head Jake replayed the events of the night over in his head, and a smile immediately spread across his face. Sex with Charlie had been everything he'd expected and more.

From the moment he led her off the dance floor she was an active and eager participant in their lovemaking. She teased him almost to the breaking point when she undressed him. It was as if he was a teenager experiencing sex for the first time. He stopped her when he did because he was afraid he would embarrass himself by coming the second their bodies joined. Yet when he reversed the tables and undressed her, it didn’t help much. He knew she'd be sexy as hell naked, but still he wasn’t prepared for the sight of her standing before him in a lace thong and bra. The woman was a mix of surprises. On the outside she presented herself as a strong Navy officer who always had everything under control. Every once in a while, however, he caught a glimpse of sadness in her, like when she spoke of her family. And her choice of underwear showed that despite her usual style of dress she definitely had a feminine side.

Next to him he felt Charlie move and he looked over at her. The sun coming through the windows danced across her bare skin making her red hair glow like fire against the black silk pillowcase. Instantly he felt something in his chest relax and a complete sense of peacefulness settled upon him. Often disappointment and the urge to keep searching plagued him. Neither emotion had bothered him for some time. In fact he hadn't felt either since kissing Charlie for the first time outside the hospital. He didn't know what that meant. However, he did know that he wanted to explore this thing between them. She seemed open to the idea. If she wasn't would she have made the trip this weekend with him? Would they have made love three times during the night?

As Jake continued to study Charlie and think about the way she made him feel, her eyelids began to flutter. Slowly her eyes opened and stared up at him. He could tell it took her a minute to fully realize where she was and he knew the second it dawned on her.

Charlie sat bolt upright in bed and tugged the sheet against her chest. Jake almost laughed at her attempt to cover herself. The night before he'd seen and explored every inch of her naked body. It seemed a little late for modesty now.

“What time is it?” she asked.

His fingers itched to pull down the sheet she clutched against her chest and pick up where they'd left off earlier, but he resisted the urge. She didn't appear to be in the right frame of mind at the moment so instead he glanced at his watch. “Six,” he answered as he pulled himself into a sitting position next to her.

Charlie groaned and moved to get out of bed. “I shouldn’t be here. If I wait to