Charlie didn't miss the knowing look that Dylan gave his half-brother. Immediately her face flooded with heat. It could be worse. This could be his father, she thought.

“It's a nice night. They probably wanted some fresh air. Just like us. All the guests are making the house stuffy,” Callie offered.

Charlie threw Callie a grateful smile for her efforts. “I didn't think a rehearsal dinner party was such a big deal.” She guessed more than twenty couples filled the mansion and most were not part of the wedding party itself.

“In the real world they’re not; in Warren's world it's another story. Most of them will be leaving soon I think. At least till tomorrow.”

Charlie could hear the strain in Callie's voice. Evidently Dylan heard it as well because he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

“Forget about them. Tomorrow at this time we'll be on our way to France.”

During their earlier conversation Callie had told h

er all about their honeymoon plans. They planned to spend three weeks in Europe, starting in France. The entire trip sounded romantic. She'd seen some of Europe but never on vacation, it'd always been while on duty. Someday she wanted to return. Charlie especially wanted to see Ireland and Scotland where many of her ancestors came from.

“Rub it in, why don't you.” Jake tossed back at his brother. “While you two are off sightseeing some of us have real work to do.”

Dylan laughed a deep rich sound that Charlie found contagious and she couldn't stop herself from smiling as well.

“If you're trying to make me feel guilty little brother, it's not going to work.” Dylan stopped laughing and gave his brother a knowing look. “Besides, you'll get your chance.”

Jake shrugged at his brother's comment but remained silent.

Charlie expected Dylan and Callie to say goodnight and continue on, but instead Dylan turned his attention toward her.

“Jake said your family runs a bed and breakfast. How long have they done that?” Dylan asked.

Charlie met his intense gaze and nodded. “For a few years now. Before that my mom rented out rooms mostly to college students from Salem State. My brother convinced her to try the bed and breakfast route. So far it's working well for them.”

“Renting to regular boarders seems easier,” Dylan said, his attention still centered on her.

“Maybe. I never asked. And they don't complain.” Charlie shifted her weight but kept constant eye contact.

“Steadier income potential if you're renting to college students as well. There are always down times for a bed and breakfast regardless of its location.”

Does he always think in terms of dollars and cents, Charlie wondered? “I don't ask them about their finances. But The Victorian Rose seems to be doing well.”

“That's a perfect name for a bed and breakfast,” Callie chimed in. “We'll have to check it out sometime.”

Charlie saw Callie nudge Dylan in the side and she suspected it was some kind of hint to change the subject. Whether it had been or not, Dylan's next question wasn't related to her family or their business.

“I understand you're in the Navy. How do you like it?”

“Originally I just saw it as a way to pay for college. Now, I consider it my way of giving back.”

Although Dylan might just be making polite conversation, she still felt as if he was interrogating her.

“Enough with the questions. Weren't you two going for a walk?” Jake asked.

“Do you think he's trying to tell us something, Dylan?” Callie asked grinning.

Dylan glanced in her direction one last time then turned his attention to his fiancée. “You might be right. See you tomorrow, Charlie. Jake I'll meet you downstairs in about forty minutes.”

Charlie remained silent as they walked back up toward the house glad that Dylan and Callie decided to continue their walk.

“You're lucky to have such a good relationship with your family.” She hoped he didn't hear the twinge of jealousy in her voice. She'd never seen such closeness between family members before. Even prior to her parents' divorce, her family hadn't been this close.

Jake held open one of the side doors leading into an empty hallway. “When they're not driving me nuts, I agree. What about you? You seem to get along well with your mother and brother.” Jake held her hand as he led her down a deserted hall.