“All of them or just Richard and Janet?”

“All. Sorry. Your mom insisted we couldn't leave them out.”

Charlie glanced from Callie to Jake and finally Lauren who was attempting to stifle a laugh. “What's wrong with the Marshalls?”

“What isn't?” Jake replied.

Callie tossed her brother a dirty look and then answered. “Richard and Warren grew up together and have stayed close. He and his wife aren't the problem. Evidently their youngest daughter has always had a thing for my brother. When they were all here for New Year's Eve she wouldn't leave him alone.”

“More like she stalked me all night, even though I had a date.”

“How old is she?” The person in question must be very young. She envisioned an infatuated fifteen year old following Jake around the ballroom.

“A little younger than Sara, right?” Callie looked over at Jake for confirmation.

Jake slumped back in his chair and put his feet up on the railing. “Yeah. I think she's twenty-two.”

Okay, maybe not so young. Someone that age should know better. “Don't worry I'll protect you from her.” Charlie patted him on the knee.

“He just might need it,” Lauren added with a half laugh. “Her behavior on New Year's Eve was obsessive.”


The wedding rehearsal began promptly at four-thirty. Charlie got the impression that everything around here started and ended exactly on time. She found this strangely comforting. She liked things to happen when they were supposed to. It just made life simpler. More organized.

From her seat on the lawn she watched as the wedding planner explained what each member of the wedding party needed to do. Though she'd never been in a wedding, she didn't really see any great need for a rehearsal beforehand. The chances of anyone there not having been to a wedding before or at least seeing one on TV were slim, so unless the bride and groom had something unusual planned, a rehearsal seemed like a waste of time. Even if it seemed pointless to her, it did give Charlie another chance to observe Jake with his family. Not to mention it gave her a chance to enjoy her surroundings. With its well-manicured gardens, sprawling lawns and view of the ocean the property around Cliff House was just as magnificent as the mansion itself.

Despite the breathtaking scenery, Charlie didn't find herself focusing on that. Instead her eyes zeroed in on the interaction between each of Jake's family members. The camaraderie between Jake and his half-brother Dylan and between Jake and Callie spoke volumes. At the same time Charlie could sense tension between Sara, Jake's full sister, and everyone else. Especially between Sara and Callie.

What is the deal between them? While everyone else appeared relaxed and bantered back and forth, Sara remained rigid and spoke only when someone drew her into the conversation. Perhaps she'd ask Jake; assuming they got some time alone together. So far it hadn't happened. They'd been surrounded by people since getting there, though Jake promised they would get plenty of time to themselves before the weekend ended.

Charlie hoped he was right. She'd made the trip with him for that very reason even though she knew her time would be better spent back in North Salem. Not only could she provide help to anyone who needed an extra hand, but she could be mulling over her own decisions without Jake around as a distraction. She'd hoped getting away from Norfolk for a while would help her make up her mind about her career in the Navy. Yet she'd been in North Salem for weeks now and she was still up in the air on whether to stay in the Navy or return to civilian life.

True she still had time. The final decision didn't have to be made this month, but she wanted to decide soon. Leaving things up in the air drove her crazy. The sooner she made up her mind the better. If she chose to leave the Navy, she opened herself up to a whole new world of decisions and opportunities. If she stayed, life would proceed pretty much as it had for the last several years. So the big question was did she want to enter uncharted territory or stay with the safe and familiar.

Every decision she'd made in life so far gravitated toward safe options. Even when it came to men and relationships she picked the safe options. She dated only men who wouldn't capture her heart and then walk out once they did. At least she always did until now. Somehow she knew Jake could do some serious damage to her heart if she let him. They'd only known each other a short time and already she felt more emotionally connected to him than any other man she'd dated. How had she let that happen?

He's not looking for long-term either. Jake's the kind of guy who hangs around for a while then moves on when he gets bored. There's nothing to worry about. Except my heart.


forced herself to recall some of the magazine headlines she'd read over the years about Jake. They always painted him as the handsome playboy with women across the globe. Even though her mind pulled up plenty of names and incidents connected with his, Charlie wondered if it was all true. A month ago she would've said yes, but not now. Some of it had to be true. Pictures didn't lie, yet a picture could paint a misleading story.

From the altar Jake winked at her and Charlie's heart skipped a beat, something she'd never experienced before. Without a second thought she smiled and waved back, not once considering what his family would think if they saw her. She assumed they were already wondering what kind of relationship existed between them anyway. After all one didn't normally invite a virtual stranger to a family wedding. At least in her world people didn't. Yet if they were curious no one said anything to her.


“I've thought about this all day.” Jake wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him now that they were finally alone..

Charlie melted against him enjoying the warmth of his solid chest on her back and Jake's possessive embrace. Around them the crickets sang as the waves crashed against the shore. Above them stars sparkled liked diamonds in the clear sky.

Now this is romantic. A night to remember. She suspected she could live out the rest of her life and not experience a more romantic setting.

“Sorry we didn't get much time together earlier.” As he spoke Jake nuzzled the side of her neck. “Sunday it'll be just you and me. Promise.”

He whispered the last part of his sentence in her ear, filling her with desire that unfolded in her belly then spread like fire through her body. Words never affected her this way. They never made her want to throw her arms around a guy and beg him to make love to her. Beg him to make promises that he wouldn't be able to keep. Yet Jake's words were doing just that. More than anything she wanted to turn around and tell him to take her to his room where they could both enjoy the magnetism between them.

So what if she did? They were both adults. Who would care? Nobody.