“I think that's our cue to leave.” He pulled back enough to look Charlie in the face and he felt Charlie's hands leave his shoulders.

“We seem to be making a habit out of this. Maybe we should find a better place next time,” she said before climbing into the passenger seat

I couldn't agree more. In that moment he made up his mind about asking her to accompany him that weekend.

Chapter 5

“You want me to what?” Charlie knew she sounded like an idiot, yet she couldn't help it. Maybe she needed to have her hearing checked. Jake couldn't have just asked what she thought he did.

Jake leaned his shoulder against the door frame near the stairs heading up to the attic, his arms crossed over his chest. Everyone at the bed and breakfast was gathered downstairs waiting to eat. Everyone except them. She'd gone upstairs to check her cell phone messages and when she came down Jake stood leaning against the wall waiting for her.

“Come with me to Newport this weekend. I'm the best man. It wouldn't be right for me to show up without a date.”

Okay, maybe she hadn't misunderstood. “Isn't that what the single bridesmaids are for?” Charlie walked down the last few steps stopping in front of him. Sure they'd shared some amazing kisses but going to his sister's wedding was out there. Especially this wedding. The media was calling it the wedding of the year.

Shrugging Jake gave her a lazy smile. “One's my sister, Sara, and the others just don't do it for me.”

She wanted to ask him what he meant by 'do it' but if the way he looked at her was any indication, she didn't have to. A heady combination of desire and curiosity sprang to life. The men she came in contact with on a daily basis never looked at her the way Jake was. Most viewed her as nothing more than a doctor and Naval officer, they seemed to overlook the fact that she was also a woman. Jake's red-hot gaze told her that he not only noticed that she was a woman, but that he wanted her. And the attraction wasn't one-sided. She wanted him with a ferocity that she'd never experienced before.

“We'll only be gone a few days.” As he spoke, Jake straightened and closed the gap between them. “You can meet my family. I think you'll like them.”

Afraid he'd see the uncertainty she felt, Charlie looked at everything but Jake. She wasn't worried about how long they'd be gone. Nobody really needed her here. Every day the town recovered a little more and, as always, her mom had her brother Sean; she didn't need anyone else. That was part of the reason she came home so infrequently. Rather she worried Jake might get the wrong idea if she accepted the invitation. He may begin to think she wanted a long-term relationship, and she didn't. Relationships that had the possibility of a future were not in the cards for her. She decided that a long time ago.

Get over yourself Charlie; this is Jake Sherbrooke world-renowned playboy. He's not interested in a relationship. Charlie's inner thoughts helped bring her back to reality. Although he'd shown that he wasn't just another rich son living off the family's money, he did still have a reputation for leaving behind many broken hearts.

This is the wedding of the year, she reminded herself. The media had been talking about it for months. Attending it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She could picture the expressions on her friends' faces if she told them she went. Not to mention Newport was beautiful this time of year. Somehow the hurricane that devastated North Salem by destroying the Stonefield Dam had left the town of Newport and most of Rhode Island unscathed.

“You're tempted,” Jake said. “I promise no one there will bite.” Dropping his head he nibbled on her ear lobe. “It'll give us some time alone together.”

Before she could stop herself, Charlie sighed in pleasure. His teasing only increased the throbbing sensation in her body. Much more of it and she might ask him upstairs for a bit to pick up where they'd left off the previous weekend.

“Okay. But only because this is the wedding of the year. It has nothing to do with you.” Somehow she managed to tease him while maintaining a straight face.

Jake broke off his assault and straightened to his full height. For a minute he studied her and Charlie was positive she saw a flash of insecurity flicker across his face. Just as quickly, however, his lips curved into a smile and she wondered if she'd imagined it.

“That so, Doc? Then I'll just have to work extra hard to change that.”


Jake almost wanted to whistle as he got dressed, his mood was that good. Everything was going well. Progress in town was coming along and Charlie had agreed to go to Newport with him for the weekend. Now that he'd asked, he wondered why he'd struggled with the decision at all. As soon as he said the words, he'd known it was the right choice.

He hadn't come to North Salem looking for a date, yet he couldn't deny the attraction he felt toward her. He knew it wasn't one-sided either. Being together this weekend would give them time to explore that attraction. At the same time, having her as a date would keep at least some of the single socialites at the wedding away from him.

Before heading down for coffee Jake grabbed his cell off the nightstand. A quick glance at the screen told him he'd missed two calls, one from his half-sister Callie and another from Marcy Blake, aka the reporter from hell. Both callers left messages. Jake didn't bother to listen to the message from Marcy, but he did check Callie's. He'd only met Callie the year before, but in that short time they'd developed a strong bond. In fact he often forgot that she was only his half-sister. In truth he got along as well with her as he did with his full sister Sara, and they'd grown up together. So when he heard Callie's message and she said it was important that he call her back, he didn't hesitate.

Jake listened as the phone rang several times.

“Jake, hold on a sec,” an out of breath Callie said after the fifth ring.

“Sure thing,” he replied although he didn't know if she'd heard him. While he waited he decided to get comfortable on the padded window seat.

“Sorry about that. Problems with the florist,” Callie said coming back on the phone a minute later.

“No worries. What's up? Your mess

age said it was important.” Whatever it was it had to be big. Final preparations for the wedding kept her busy so she wouldn't just call him on a whim.

On the other end of the line it sounded as if Callie sighed. “I got a call from Marcy Blake this morning. Have you talked to her?”