The simple action had Charlie's insides quivering. Please don't apologize. She'd be mortified if he did that.

Jake didn't say anything else however. Instead his gaze traveled over her face and searched her eyes for a few heartbeats before leaning toward her and picking up right where they'd left off at the hospital.

The feel of his lips against hers was even better than the memory and at his gentle prodding she parted her lips to give him entry. As their tongues met, she wrapped her arms around his neck letting herself get swept away by the unfamiliar emotions his simple kiss awakened.

Gently she felt him work her hair free of its bun and his hands dug themselves into her hair anchoring her to him as he teased her tongue with his. Then without warning she felt his hands drop to her waist and she willingly went when he tugged her onto his lap.

Charlie allowed herself to fall under the spell of his kiss for a few seconds before pulling back. The minute her lips left Jake's she regretted her decision though. Yet she didn't try to kiss him again. Instead she analyzed and waited. The smoldering flame she saw in his eyes told her Jake was affected just as much by their kiss as she was. Briefly, she wondered if she mirrored his look.

“What are your plans for tomorrow?” Jake traced a finger up and down her arm leaving a trail of goose bumps on her bare skin.

“Not sure. I thought I'd see who needed help in the morning.”

As he let his hand roam over her shoulder, he seemed to focus on the pulse in her neck and Charlie wondered if he could see how rapid it beat.

“I'm driving to Boston to meet with the Governor for lunch. Come with me. Afterward we can get dinner.”

Was he asking her on a date? It sounded like it. She hadn't been on a date in months and it would provide a nice break from the work she'd been doing since the storm.

“Won't Governor Wentworth mind? If he wants to meet with you, it must be important.”

Jake shrugged and she couldn't help but notice how broad his shoulders were under her hands.

“He said he wanted to thank me for all the aid the foundation has provided. Honestly I think he's hoping a little ass kissing will help his cause. He wants my father's support in the upcoming election,” he explained with a bored tone. “So I really don't care if he minds or not.”

“When?” she asked stalling to give herself more time. Normally she didn't have a problem making decisions. It was a trait that came in handy as a doctor. Yet sitting on his lap in the darkened kitchen with his hands on her bare skin, she wavered back and forth.

“I'm meeting him around noon.”

It's a couple of meals, no big deal. Charlie tried to ignore his gentle caress up and down her arm. “OK.”

A slow sensual smile spread across Jake's face causing red hot desire to shoot through her body. Right then she wanted nothing more than to invite him back up to her room to see what Prince Charming looked like without his clothes on. She had an excellent imagination, but there was no substitute for the real thing.

Bad idea, Charlie. Very bad idea. Though it took every ounce of will power she possessed, Charlie slid off Jake's lap and cleared the empty plates off the table. She needed something to do otherwise she risked jumping back into his arms.

She put the paper dishes in the trash and turned back toward him. “I think I'll head back up now. I'm finally tired.”

What looked to be disappointment swept across Jake's face but he didn't try to stop her as she headed towards the swinging kitchen door. “See you in the morning, Charlie.”

Chapter 4

Jake rubbed the back of his neck and wished he had a couple Motrin on hand as he exited the Governor's mansion the following afternoon. As he'd expected Governor Wentworth had asked him to meet more because he wanted his father's support than because he appreciated the foundation's aid. The Governor would be running for a second ter

m in the next election and figured the backing of a popular President would help his cause. The entire two hours had been miserable. In fact it would've been unbearable if not for Charlie's company. She kept rather quiet during the conversation. Actually, he got the impression that politics wasn't her thing either, but the little she did contribute was insightful. And just her presence there lifted his spirits because he knew once they left he had her all to himself for the rest of the day.

Opening the passenger door for Charlie, he briefly wondered if they should head back to town. Plenty of recovery work still needed to be done. Was it fair of them to skip town for the afternoon? Part of him said no. The more people working, the faster the town would return to normal. The devil in him said the town would survive without them for a few hours. It wasn't like they were skipping town for a week. Besides who knew how much longer he'd be in North Salem. He might not get another chance like this one.

By the time Jake walked around to the driver's door and climbed in his SUV, his mind was made up. Despite whatever misgivings he had, he just couldn't pass up spending time with this woman. Somehow he knew if they went back to work now, he would be kicking himself later.

Neither of them said a word as he drove towards the heart of Boston. Other than making dinner plans, he hadn't mapped out an itinerary for them.

“Any favorite spots you'd like to visit? Faneuil Hall, the North End, Newbury Street? We have some time before dinner.” Jake figured anyone could treat her to dinner at a restaurant; he wanted her to remember their time together. So instead of making a reservation at one of Boston's top notch restaurants, he'd arranged for a private dinner aboard a friend's yacht in the harbor. By sheer dumb luck the yacht had been in dry dock until two days earlier so it hadn't sustained any damage during the hurricane. Not that Boston Harbor had been damaged much anyway.

“Not really. I've never spent much time in Boston. Never had a real reason to, so whatever is fine.”

The yacht's captain didn't expect them until five o'clock but if they arrived early he knew the man wouldn't complain. “In that case let’s head over to the marina”

“The marina? Why are we going there?”