“That’s where you serving me pancakes in bed wearing nothing but a smile comes in,” he joked before heading to her bedroom to drop his bags off.

Did the heat in here just go up? Just thinking about Dylan’s words set her on fire. Callie grabbed a magazine off the table and fanned herself. Was he serious? Even if he was, it wasn’t something she could ever do. She’d never been comfortable being naked, or showing off too much of her body. The one time she’d dared to wear a bikini to the beach, she ended up leaving on her cover-up the entire time.

If he was serious, that told her something, didn’t it? It meant he desired her at least, right? It told her he was attracted to her. She was certainly drawn to him like a moth to light and not just physically.

Slowly, Dylan’s eyes opened. Callie’s warm body was tucked up against his, her head resting on his chest, her dark hair spilling across his bare skin. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and not only beautiful on the outside. During his thirty-three years, he’d seen plenty of women who were physically beautiful. That was just window dressing. On the inside, they’d been shallow, self-absorbed. Not his Callie.

His Callie? When had he started to think of her as his, he wondered?

“What have I gotten myself into?” he whispered to himself. This thing between them wasn’t permanent. He shouldn’t be thinking of her as his.

Just because I enjoy spending time with her and making love to her is incredible… his brain paused mid-thought. When had he started to think of it as making love and not sex? Dylan had no idea. Still, he thought of it that way with Callie. To say they had sex didn’t do justice to what he experienced with her. It was so much more.

You’re overthinking it, Talbot. This is just another relationship. Like any other. “Yeah, right, and the world is flat,” he muttered to himself.

Next to him, Callie moved. “Morning,” she said, her voice gravely with sleep. “How did you sleep?” Callie reached up and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Damn, but he could get used to waking up like this every morning. Bad. Very Bad.

“Like the dead. You wore me out last night,” he teased. He knew without even looking that she was blushing. Maybe it was cruel, but he loved how he could make her blush. “If I’d known how demanding you were going to be, I would have had a few Red Bulls before I got here. Or at least a coffee after dinner.”

Callie punched him in the arm before starting to climb out of bed. “Look who’s talking.”

Dylan grabbed her arm and pulled her back next to him. “Where are you going?”

“To make pancakes. Got to make sure I replenish your energy reserves.” She scooted out of his reach and pulled on a long New England Patriots t-shirt.

Oh, yeah! He could definitely get used to waking up like this every day. You’re in big trouble here, Talbot.

Dylan remained in bed staring at the ceiling. In the kitchen, he could hear her moving around, but he stayed under the covers. You’re digging yourself a hole the size of the Grand Canyon.

Lying in Callie’s bed was perhaps the last place in the world he should be. At the same time, it was the only place he wanted to be. When had the situation gotten so complicated? Maybe the night he’d first kissed her in the kitchen. Or had it been that night in Ne

wport when they’d gone out for dinner?

Face it, you were attracted to her the first time you met her, he told himself, raking a hand across his face. If he was smart, he’d call it quits after the fundraiser in New York. Let her move on. Phillips wouldn’t have to know. Dylan knew it was the right thing to do. The thought of ending it, however, left him feeling hollow inside. Now isn’t the time to make this decision, he reasoned, tossing off the blankets. There would be plenty of time to do that when he was alone in his apartment.


Stuffed with apple cinnamon pancakes, they headed to Brook Farm State Park for a day hike. “What do you think? Do you have enough energy left for a challenging trail or do you need one of the beginner ones?” Callie asked as they looked over a map of the various trails.

“I’m up for a challenge, but if you’re tired, by all means, a beginner one is fine.” Dylan kissed the side of her neck and smiled when she tilted her head, exposing more of her neck to him.

“You’re trying to distract me so I’ll pick an easy one. It won’t work.” Callie took a few steps away. “Follow me.”

Neither of them spoke much as they made their way up steep inclines and through the various vegetation. Dylan didn’t mind the lack of conversation. It allowed him a chance to really take in his surroundings. One of the things he loved about hiking was how isolated you felt. Living in the city, he constantly had people around him. Out here, though, you could almost imagine you were the last person on Earth.

The lack of conversation also allowed him to focus on Callie. She made her way up the mountain with ease. She actually made it look effortless. Though he was in excellent shape, it’d been a while since he last hiked and his legs were certainly feeling it. Callie showed no sign of sharing his discomfort.

I’m going to feel this in the morning. Reaching into the side pocket of his pack, he pulled out his water. Morning, now there was a time he wasn’t looking forward to. He’d be waking up alone tomorrow. Doing so had never bothered him before, but now he found himself wishing Callie was coming back to the city with him tonight.

For a moment, he considered inviting her. Bad idea, his brain screamed as he chugged water. I’m letting myself become too attached. Besides, she has work tomorrow, he reminded himself. He knew she only had a few days of school left.

“Why don’t we stop here for a rest,” Callie called out to him, interrupting his thoughts. They’d broken through to a fairly level area with a small stream running through it.

“Sounds great.” Dylan removed the backpack he wore and joined her beside the stream. Settling himself on the ground, he used a large boulder as a backrest. “I’m glad we did this today.”

Callie took a long drink from the water bottle he handed her. “Me too. I haven’t been hiking since last fall. I love it out here. Whenever you want a hiking partner, just holler.”