Callie tried to look as if she didn’t know what her friend was implying. “And what?”

Lauren rolled her eyes. “Give it a rest, Callie. This is me. I can tell when you are leaving something out. So you might as well spit it out now. I’ll hound you until you tell me. You know that.”

Picking up a pencil, Callie rolled it between her fingers. “He asked me to stay with him.” The words came out in a rush. “I said yes.”

A low whistle escaped Lauren. “I don’t think you need to wonder if he’s interested. And why wouldn’t he be? You’re beautiful, smart, and kind. Hell, if I was a guy, I’d be attracted to you.”

Callie shrugged. She wanted to believe what Lauren said. If it was anyone other than Dylan, she would. Dylan Talbot, though, wasn’t just anyone.

“Do you really think—”

“Can I borrow that evening gown you bought for your cruise last year?” Callie asked, cutting Lauren off. “I don’t have anything for the fundraiser.”

Lauren gave her an ‘I know what you are doing look.’ “Sure, either come over this week and get it, or I can bring it in.”

“Great. Thanks.” Callie pulled out the materials she would need the following day.

“I think he’s interested, Callie. Why else would he want you to stay with him?”

Callie shrugged again and continued to get things ready for the following day. “To help me save money. Hotels in New York are expensive.”

“Please. Your father’s family owns a whole chain of hotels. Dylan could have gotten you a room for free if saving you money was his reason.”

Lauren had her there.

“Other than the game Saturday night, what else did you guys do this weekend?”

Maybe if she kept the answer short and sweet Lauren would get the hint she didn’t want to talk anymore about Dylan. “Just hung out in Boston.”

“Did you sleep with him?”

Callie knew the question was coming. After all, this was Lauren. So she should have been able to contain her reaction.

She couldn’t.

Immediately, her hands stilled and her face burned.

“You did! You go girl!” Lauren said before Callie could even open her mouth.

Moving back to her desk, Callie refused to look at her friend. “Could you bring the dress tomorrow? I think it’ll be fine, but I want to try it just in case it doesn’t fit.”

“Sure. If you want to talk later, call me,” Lauren said, finally getting the hint that Callie didn’t want to talk right now. “I’m only teaching two dance classes tonight, so I’ll be home early.”


Thursday night Dylan sat in his mother’s favorite New York City restaurant waiting for her and Warren. Normally, he found dinner with them enjoyable, a nice break from his usual daily grind. Tonight though, he wanted to be at the office. Several pressing matters demanded his attention. Matters he wanted resolved before Friday night. He didn’t want work keeping him in the city this weekend.

The volume of noise in the restaurant dropped slightly and heads turned as his mother and Warren walked toward his table. Both stopped several times to speak with people they knew. Eventually though, they reached him.

“Mum, you look fabulous tonight.” Dylan gave her a hug before shaking Warren’s hand. And she did. Tonight she wore a cream colored Chanel dress. For a moment, Dylan wondered if his mother and sister owned anything without a famous designer’s name attached to it. Like a pair of Levi jeans and a t-shirt.

Once everyone was seated and drinks were served, Warren spoke. “I talked to Callie yesterday. She said you’re picking her up at the train station the night before the fundraiser.”

Dylan nodded, wondering if she told him she planned on staying with him too. He had every intention of telling Warren tonight, but if she already had, all the better. He wasn’t sure how his stepfather would interpret the news.

“Good. I’m guessing you couldn’t convince her to come on the plane.”

Shaking his head, Dylan replied, “Tried. She refused.”