Slow. You’ve got all night, his mind screamed, but somehow his body didn’t get the message. Flames licked his body, and Callie’s gentle caresses were only pushing him closer to being engulfed in a full-out inferno.

When he could no longer take the sweet torture of just being next to her naked body but not inside her, he reached for his wallet. Withdrawing the small foil packet inside, he paused for half a heartbeat.

For some untold reason, he regretted having to use the thing. He tore the packet open anyway. Dylan didn’t know if Callie was on any type of birth control, and he didn’t want her telling him he was a father nine months from now.


There was a furnace in her bed. There had to be. It was the only explanation. She was so hot. Opening her eyes, her brain slowly began to register her surroundings, and who she was with.

Dylan. He was asleep next to her. The early morning light streaming through the window cast shadows on his face. Memories of what happened overwhelmed her.

Something between a sigh and a groan escaped. She’d never been into casual sex or one-night stands. That just wasn’t her. She’d been intimate with only two other men, and she’d been in long-term relationships with both.

Callie flipped onto her back and stared at the ceiling. They hadn’t discussed any kind of relationship. While she didn’t have any proof, she suspected Dylan didn’t have an aversion to one-night stands.

Just before he’d kissed her, sending all rational thought from her brain, Dylan questioned her belief that nothing existed between them, that they were just friends. A statement she knew was false as far as she was concerned anyway. His actions indicated it was false for him as well.

Don’t read too much into this. She wasn’t an idiot. Callie knew you could be physically attracted to someone without feeling anything emotionally.

She was still running the events of the last few hours through her head when Dylan draped his arm over her, indicating he was awake.

Say something, anything, Callie silently ordered him. She certainly couldn’t think of anything, but at the same time, she couldn’t stand the silence either.

“Did you decide how you want to spend the day?”

Callie couldn’t help it, she burst out laughing. Of all the things he could have said, she hadn’t expected that.

Dylan tightened his hold on her. “I didn’t think it was that funny.”

Strangely relaxed by his question, she kissed him on the cheek. “Not a clue. Maybe we can just play it by ear.”

“In that case, I should go back to my room to shower and change. I want to make sure I’m ready for anything,” he said as he started to sit up.

She didn’t want him to leave. If he left, Callie feared she’d wake up in a few hours and it would’ve all been a dream. “Why don’t you stay and get another few hours of sleep. Then, I’ll make us breakfast.” She said the words quickly before she lost her nerve. “We can go back to your hotel before we go out so you can change.”

Dylan didn’t respond right away and, for a second, she thought he would say no.

Why didn’t I keep my mouth shut?

Taking her hand, he raised it to his lips. “Another few hours of sleep and a homemade breakfast sounds perfect.”


After a quick stop at Dylan’s hotel, they walked over to Faneuil Hall Market Place. It had always been one of Callie’s favorite stops in Boston. Not only was it steeped in history, but it was also a fun place to hang out. There were all kinds of stores and vendors, and often there were shows performed outside on the cobblestones.

“Do you mind if we stop for a second?” Callie asked. They had just passed a vendor selling flowers near the entrance to the main food hall. “I want to see if they have any calla lilies.”

Dylan stopped alongside her. “I pegged you as more a daisy person myself.”

“Actually, my favorite flowers are roses. I don’t really care what color. My mother’s favorites were calla lilies. She named me Callie because the name reminded her of the flower.” Quickly, Callie scanned the assortment of flowers. The vendor seemed to have everything from roses and carnations to tulips and daisies, but he didn’t have one single calla lily.

“Oh well, maybe some other time,” Callie said as she started walking again.

“How about we grab something quick to eat, and then hit the Freedom Trail? If we see another florist, we can stop if you want.” Dylan pulled her close as they entered the main food hall. As usual, it was bustling with people.

Callie almost shook her head in amazement. How did he do that? Walking the Freedom Trail was one of her favorite things to do in the city. How did he know she would enjoy doing that today? He’d done the same thing in Newport. He’d taken her to some of the city’s historical sites before a great day on the beach. Granted, she told him she loved history, but Callie hadn’t really thought he was listening, rather just making polite conversation. Apparently, he’d not only been listening but had stored away the information.

“Sounds great. I haven’t walked the trail in a while.”