Using two fingers, he gently nudged her head up so she was looking him directly in the eye. “Trust me. If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be. I can’t remember the last time I relaxed and enjoyed Newport, and I’d like to do that with you.”

He should move his hand. The part of his brain still functioning properly kept telling him that. Yet he didn’t do it. Instead, he allowed it to linger as his thumb moved slowly along her jaw. Her skin was smooth and flawless, just as he thought it would be.

The corner of his mouth lifted in a lopsided smile. “Say you’ll come.” When was the last time he’d wanted to spend time with a woman so badly?


But there was something about Callie that was different. Something made him crave her company. Maybe it was because she didn’t seem to want anything from him like so many women did.

He wasn’t the only one who felt the chemistry between them either. Dylan was su

re of it. He’d even bet a good portion of his fortune that she felt something as well.

“As long as you’re up for some sightseeing before an hour or two at the beach?” Callie said, her voice once again light and friendly.

He didn’t give her a chance to change her mind. Grabbing the bag she’d put in the trunk, he gave her a full-blown smile. “I came prepared for anything.” Slamming closed the empty trunk, he took her by the hand and led her to his car.

“Your chariot awaits.” He opened the Aston Martin’s passenger door for her.

The morning proceeded so smoothly that Callie almost forgot who she was with and why she was in Newport. The first stop on Dylan’s itinerary was Fort Adams. Now a popular tourist attraction, the fort had been built in the late 1700’s. She’d always wanted to visit the fort and the state park that surrounded it, but never had the opportunity for one reason or another.

Though the fort offered a guided tour, Dylan suggested they skip it, insisting it wasn’t necessary. At first, Callie was disappointed. She’d been looking forward to hearing about the structure’s centuries of history. However, her disappointment vanished almost right away when Dylan awed her with his knowledge of the fort and its role in defending the city. During dinner, he had mentioned he enjoyed history, too. At the time, she’d assumed he was being polite. Now she realized he’d been serious.

Newport’s beaches were well-known. In fact, a person didn’t need to travel far to find one. That was precisely where Callie planned to spend a few hours that day, and where she assumed they were heading now.

Since leaving the parking area at the restaurant where they’d eaten lunch, she’d had trouble keeping her eyes off Dylan. She was rapidly learning he wasn’t only good-looking, but also friendly and easy to be around. Being with him wasn’t any more difficult than being with any other man she knew. Well, except for the fact that being around him set her heart racing and sent every rational thought from her brain.

He’s not like any other man, Callie reminded herself as she stared out the car window. He’s filthy rich and only wants to keep me company until Warren arrives. He’s just playing the role of host again. Lucky him.

She didn’t believe for one minute he wanted to spend time with her for any other reason.

For the first time since getting in the car, Callie really took note of the landscape they were passing. “I thought we were going to the beach?”

She kept looking for a familiar landmark to tell her where they were. When her grandparents and uncle lived in the area, they’d taken her to the beach every summer. However, nothing around them jogged any memories.

“We’re going to a tiny beach near Black Point,” Dylan answered, referring to a private and very exclusive beach club. “It isn’t part of the club. I don’t think anybody ever goes there. I stumbled on it accidentally one day.”

After parking in an empty corner of the Black Point lot, Dylan got out and opened Callie’s door as he had the night before. Unable to do anything else, she accepted his outstretched hand. The moment her butt cleared the seat, she released his hand and followed him around to the back of the car.

After popping open the trunk, Dylan dropped his keys back into his pocket and pulled out the bags.

“I can take that,” she said as Dylan slipped the straps of her bag over his shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it; I’ll carry it for you.”

“Mr. Talbot, really, I can handle it.”

“Dylan remember, Miss Taylor.” He smiled at her and Callie resisted the urge to fan herself.

“Sorry. Really, I can take it, Dylan.”

Dylan shook his head. “I already have it. Come on, let’s go.”

Rather than start a full-blown argument, Callie nodded and walked along side him across the parking lot.

Breaking through a natural barrier of tall grass and reeds, Dylan stopped and looked over his shoulder. “What do you think? Will it do for today?”

Although no larger than the postage stamp sized backyard she had growing up, Callie loved the beach. The sand was smooth and free of any debris. Dense overgrown grass and reeds provided ample privacy from the parking lot, and the view of the water was fantastic.