“Granted, one or two may have balked, but you’ve proven yourself to be a good worker and an even better man. Maybe you could offer Shep that same courtesy?”

That took him back a bit. He lowered his angry blue eyes to his coffee. “Yeah, fine, I see what you’re saying.” His sight lifted from his mug to me. “I guess he does deserve a chance to prove himself, but man…” He blew out a breath. “He was involved in some really shitty commentary directed at the man I love. Forgive me for not throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him on the mouth when he appears.”

“You’ll want to keep your mouth on your own man,” I tossed out, and the tension in the room dropped a notch. “I’m not asking you to genuflect or anything. You don’t have to even make conversation. Just be decent, that’s all I’m asking.”

The bedroom door creaked open. I glanced over my shoulder to see Shep easing into the main room, ready for the day, his hair damp and his beard neatly trimmed. Damn the man looked too good for this early in the morning. He made a motion at the coffeemaker.

“Just grabbing a cup, and I’ll head out,” Shep said.

Will got to his feet. “You can have my cup. I didn’t touch it. I’m heading to the bunkhouse with Perry. See you there?”

I nodded. Will pushed his chair back under the table and glanced at Shepherd lingering by the bedroom door.

“Later,” he said to the room and left.

Shep looked at me with wide eyes. “Did he actually say something to me that did not have the word ass or hole attached to it?”

“I think so,” I replied before taking a sip of my coffee.

“You don’t have to force him to talk to me. I understand where his anger comes from.”

“I didn’t force him. Just merely pointed out that people should be given a second chance when they ask for one.” Shep remained silent as he filled a mug, then rested his tight ass against the edge of the counter. “They’ll come around. It might take a few years for the boys from the rez to see that you’re a new man, but they will. Or would if you’d stick around to show them.”


“Yeah, I know. You have something to prove to the world, but it seems you could do your proving right here. Or in my cabin. It’s bigger.” He gave me a wan smile. “Can’t blame a man for trying.”

“We better get over to the bunkhouse and see what the hell is up.”

“Yeah, I suppose.” I sighed into my coffee.

Blowjobs would have been way more fun.