“So beautiful,” I grunted as he clenched around me. His cock stood proud and stiff, the head glossy with precum that I yearned to clean off, but my body didn’t bend in that way. I wet my lips and began moving in and out, my gaze moving from his dick to his face. He was blissed out, his eyes hooded, his mouth slightly open. Incredibly hot sounds bubbled up out of him as I pumped madly. I wanted more. I wanted everything. Wanted his cock in my mouth and in my ass. He groaned and arched as I rocked into him, my prick finding that magical spot.

“Ah, hell, Abbott.” He sighed and shuddered.

“Fuck me.” I pulled out, his eyes flaring at the announcement and my hasty departure. “Fuck me.”

I fell on his cock, sucking the engorged head into my mouth. He gasped, jammed his fingers into my hair, and fed me all of his cock. I gagged in glee, my mouth stretched wide, my chin coated with spit. I let him use my mouth wantonly, then pulled off with a slurp. Without a word spoken, we got his dick covered. I draped my leg over his shoulder as he stuffed a pillow under my hips.

“Go in hard, McCrary,” I panted, my fists balling up in the bedding in preparation for his entrance. He rubbed at the edges of my hole, smearing lube around and then into me, his expression hedonistic. My eyes rolled into my skull when he tapped my pucker with his cock. “Fuck me hard, Shepherd.”

“I’ll do you hard, Kyle,” he replied gruffly, sinking into me and pushing in that thick dick until he was seated true and deep. My breath rushed out of me as my body stretched to accommodate him. His prick pulsed inside me as he took a moment to catch his breath. Or perhaps he was letting me pull in some much needed air. Fingers balled in the sheets, I urged him on with a squeeze internally. He moaned deeply, rolled his hips, and began to fuck me as I had asked to be fucked. Head down, hands on my ankles, Shep plowed me like a new field. Deep, hard, and without mercy. Sounds that I didn’t know a human could make filled the room, mixing with the slap of skin on skin. I came without him even touching my dick. He’d found that bundle of nerves and had hit it relentlessly with his dick. Spunk flew out of me, dotting my belly and chest. Some flew up to my chin. “Look at me, Abbott!”

My eyes opened slowly. Tremor after tremor rolled over me as he kept pounding away at my prostate. When our gazes met, they locked. He came with a roar and a splash of hot cum in the condom that I wished was coating my ass. Maybe someday we could ditch the condoms and…oh yeah, well, never mind.

“Holy hell,” I croaked, releasing the covers to card my fingers into his damp hair and tugging his lips to mine. Kissing and breathing was hard, but we sucked in gulps of air around each other’s tongues. Shep pulled out and crashed next to me on the bed. I rolled to my side, then up over him, pinning him to the bed, hands to his wide shoulders. “That was a really good last fuck.”

He smiled in that infuriatingly smug way of his. “You really think that was the last fuck?”

“Asshole,” I mumbled and stole a long kiss.

He was right, much as I hated to admit it. There was no way I’d be able to walk away from this man now. I sat back, filled with raging emotions. His lips were deep pink from kissing, his brow slick with sweat, and the hairs on his chest were now matted with my cum. The bastard had never looked better.

“I think I love you, McCrary.” His smirk melted like the last snow under the heat of a spring sun. “Nope, do not say a word. Just know that when you get your name back and if you think you might want to make something out of this mess we’ve created…well, I’ll be here.”

He studied me for the longest time, a warmth in his blue gaze that made me feel giddy and worried at the same time.

“Come to Cheyenne with me,” he softly said. The invitation nearly knocked me ass over tin cups off the bed. I sat there, stunned. “Or not.”

I slipped off to allow him to roll over and peel off the condom. As I lay there staring at the ceiling, heart hammering against my ribs, I found myself actually giving it some thought.

“What would we do in Cheyenne?” I enquired while he tied up the condom and dropped it into a small trash can beside the bed. He shrugged. “Okay, what are you going to do in Cheyenne besides talk with this lawyer?”

“Get a job.” He pushed to his feet and stepped into his discarded jeans. “I need to check the soup.”

I sighed as he disappeared. Maybe I should have just stuck to my guns. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked for one final fuck. Christ. I could screw up a wet dream. I left the bed, yanked my dirty pants up over my tender ass, and pattered out to find him back at the stove, stirring that pot of fucking tomato soup again.

“Okay, so what the fuck are we doing here, McCrary?” I asked for what was probably the hundredth time. He shook his head. Great. So he had no idea either. “Well, I know what I did. I fell in love with you.”


“Don’t what?” I walked over to stand beside him. He glanced my way, then fixed all his attention on the soup bubbling away. I reached out to turn off the fire. He never blinked or told me to mind my own soup. “Let’s just be honest here. This stopped being mutual desire slaking a long time ago. I want you to stay. Work here.”

“Why are you making this so fucking hard, Abbott?!” He spun to face me. I took the spoon from his hand lest he decide to slap me with it, placed it on the counter, and cupped his face. Ah hell, but I did love the soft scratch of his beard on my palm. And my cheek. And my belly and thighs and dick…

“It’s what I do.”

He snorted in amusement despite himself, but still shook his head. “I need to prove I can be my own man, Kyle. You, of all people, must understand that.” I exhaled and nodded. Yeah, I understood it. Didn’t mean that I liked it. “It’s not that far.”

“Feels like it might as well be Africa.”

“But it’s not. It’s in the same state.”

I gave him my best imitation of a smile, then led his mouth to mine.

“I’m keeping Dundee here to ensure you’ll come back one final time,” I informed him.

“Argus, and don’t worry. I’ll be back.”

“For your horse.”