Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. “No, fuck.”

“Shit, okay, that’s okay…” He bit down on my shoulder. I whimpered at the burn. “That’ll wait. I got other things I can probe that hot ass with.”

“Shit, McCrary,” I gasped when he turned us around and gave me a push. I dropped to the lower bunk, my cock standing up proudly. “You really are a pretty man.”

“You too. Now lie down and shut up for five minutes.” He crawled on top of me, his arms locked, his head dropping down so that he could nibble and suckle on my mouth for about an hour. My hands roamed over him, enjoying the feel of all that pearly white skin I’d been ogling night after night. He worked his way downward, teeth finding my nipples. Shep was just this side of rough with his loving, which lit me up like a fucking firecracker. I liked that slight burn of pain mixing with pleasure. His hand slid down over my stomach as he teased my nipples. Just as he rubbed his hairy chin over my navel, his finger slipped under my balls. My pelvis snapped upward as I buried my heels into the bed. There was really nowhere for him to go now as the bed was narrow, so he bent himself in half to suck my dick into his mouth. Ah, God, what a feeling. His mouth was hot and wet, his tongue swirling around my cockhead as he pressed at the edges of my hole.

“More,” I grunted while pumping up into his throat. He gagged a little but only pulled off once to suck on his index and middle finger. “Shit, yeah…shove them both into me at once.”

He moaned softly, swallowed my cock again, and then pressed those two rough fingers right into my ass. My spine cracked as I arched up and off the bed, eager for all he could give me. Which turned out to be one more finger. As soon as he breached me with three digits, I felt the spark at the base of my spine. With an unintelligible grunt, I pumped a load into his mouth. He rubbed my prostate as the first pulse hit the back of his throat. I cried out, clawed at his head, and tumbled into my orgasm like a man falling down a well. He took every drop of cum I had inside me, milking me with his fat lips while diddling my ass roughly. I shuddered and shook, my legs finally giving out. My ass hit the bed with a soft thud. He then pulled off and out, rolled to his side, and jerked his second load of the night directly on my hip. I moved to my side, his cum still warm on my skin, and kissed him hungrily.

“Christ, McCrary,” I mewled and rubbed my nose into his beard. “Just…holy Christ.”

“Who fucking knew you’d be so hot in bed, Abbott?” He rubbed a hand along my shoulder, down to my bicep, and back up. I found his mouth again. Obviously, the man used some sort of lip balm that had nicotine as the main ingredient. I couldn’t stop yearning for more of his kisses or the feel of his flesh tight to mine.

“I could have told you, but you would have called me a braggart.” Flicking the tip of my tongue along his lower lip, he nestled in close, chest to chest, flagging cock next to flagging cock, long legs all sorts of knotted. “What the hell are we doing here, McCrary?”

He ran a hand over my brow, pushing my hair from my forehead. His eyes bored into mine as the sounds of the fire slowly insinuated itself back into reality. Hell, the cabin could have been burning down around us and I’d have been oblivious. Which was yet one more thing that had to be filed in that bulging folder of “Things about Shep McCrary That Were Too Scary to Deal With Right Now” inside my head.

“I don’t know, Abbott, but it’s the best damn thing to happen to me since I left New York state.” I put my lips to his and pulled the covers up over us. I’d get into my own bed later. Right now, I just wanted to kiss Shep for a bit longer.

Funny thing.I never did go back to the top bunk.

It was never even discussed. You’d think it would have been because two big guys in a twin bed really isn’t all that comfortable. But Shep and I made it work. We just wrapped ourselves around each other like mating squids. Fuck but the sex was hot for several days. I’d always loved giving head and getting it too, and Shepherd was damn good at it, considering he had only been with one man previously. I had to tip my Stetson to Lionel because he taught Shep how to suck dick like a pro. He was so enthusiastic with just that right hint of bossy asshole. I ended up a quivering glob nightly simply from his mouth on my cock and his fingers buried in my ass. When I finally got his dick in my ass, I’d probably…well, I wasn’t sure what I’d do when I got him to fuck me because I had no damn clue if we’d continue this after tomorrow.

That was when Nate and the other hands from Blue Ice would show up. A month of solitude and blowjobs that made me speak in tongues would come to an end. What that meant for Shep, I didn’t know. He talked vaguely about heading to Copper Falls to find a lawyer that might take his case to petition for his trust fund. I had my doubts. Any lawyer in Copper Falls was far too indebted to the McCrarys. Hell, the whole town thought they hung the fucking moon. He’d be better off to go to Cheyenne, and I’d told him so just last night. So yeah, maybe he’d take his horse and head to the big city to fight for his inheritance. There he’d meet a guy, probably some other Vassar sort with a sheepskin who critiqued books and made great coffee. They’d get married and Shep would be rich and they’d live happily fucking ever after…in Africa so Shep could take snapshots of giraffes and guinea hens.

And I’d be at the Blue Ice Ranch with my whittlings. Something about that whole scenario tasted bad so I covered up the sour taste with the sweet tang of Shep’s lips.

Ugh. Enough predicting for a lonesome future. We had one day left. I wanted to make it count and so after chores—which went so much faster with two men—we came home, ate the last can of stewed tomatoes with some boxed mac and cheese, and saddled up his horse. The stallion was giddy as he led him out of the lean-to. Shep had found an old lunge line buried in a dusty tack box in the corner of the shelter last week and had been trotting his horse around daily, but that wasn’t the same as a good ride. You could feel that horse’s energy on the cold air. He looked to be a handful, but Shep had no trouble keeping the stallion under control. Since there was no way in hell I was riding pillion, even if we had possessed a cushion, I rode the Arctic Cat. We followed the path that I’d created over weeks of chores. Shep had a hell of a seat. He also rode well. Probably had riding lessons at the age of six months with the best instructors in the state.

We rode to the feedlot, the stallion eager to break free and gallop but mindful of the commands of the man on his back. We decided to go a little ways past the cattle to the river where they drank. The ice was already starting to fill back in on the hole we’d made a few hours ago. With several hundred eyes on us, we stopped beside the Jante. Shep dismounted, then led Dundee to drink. I sat on the snowmobile, engine off, and just enjoyed the moment.

Truly there was nothing like the Tetons to remind a man of just how small he really was. I loved this land. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else or doing anything different for a living. Not that I had the education to do some fancy job. There was no sheepskin from Vassar hanging on my wall. Still, I was happy.

Sitting here in the cold, the winter sky bright and brilliant blue, the same shade as Shepherd’s eyes when he was teetering on the edge of an orgasm. It struck me like a bolt from the heavens. I was happy. Madly so. I’d come out here mired in mental quicksand. Unhappy, unsure of why, and completely lost as to what to do about it. But now, not even a month later, I was happy. It startled me to recognize that fact and it perplexed me. What had changed in so little time? My gaze left the snowcaps of the Tetons and returned, as they always seemed to do now, to Shepherd. Was it him that had changed me so much?

Shep kept glancing back at me. I’d smile at him and something deep inside me would twang. It felt like there was a cord of some sort stretched tight between us and all Shepherd had to do was look at me a certain way or smile or hum some of those old Hall & Oates tunes that he apparently loved or move over me in bed and that invisible thread would vibrate. The pulsations rippled through me, centering in my chest and branching out to warm and excite my entire being. I’d never felt a connection like this to any man or woman. To say that it rattled me would be spot on. Yet as edgy as the emotions growing inside me were, I wanted to feel more of them, even though they scared the crap out of me. It was madness for sure. This little fling was at its end. No point in making it into something more than it was. I’d been horny and Shep had needed affection from someone. Anyone. I just happened to be that lucky someone. End of…

Still, when we fell into the bottom bunk that night, it didn’t feel like the end of anything. Far from it. If anything, our kisses and caresses burned brighter and hotter. I hungered for him. His skin was damp from the bath that we’d shared. Standing up, kissing and soaping each other, hands spreading soap in sweet, hot, intimate places. Even after we’d rinsed, his flesh tasted mildly of soap, and I didn’t care. I ran my tongue everywhere. Along every rib, up the underside of his cock, along the crack between his tight buttocks. I feasted on his hole, spearing him over and over as he spread himself wider and wider for me. I gorged on him. Suckled his balls until they dripped with saliva, then reached under him and pulled his fat dick back. I took him deep into my mouth, groaning when his spunk coated my mouth, my fisted hand working my cock frantically. I shot all over the bed, uncaring that we would have no clean sheets to change out. Shep shuddered wantonly, his dick pulsing against my tongue. And still, it wasn’t enough.

We moved from the bed to wash in the tepid water, sitting in the washtub.

“I wish I could fuck you,” he whispered over my lips, his hands smoothing a damp cloth over my belly.

“Guess we’ll never know what that would be like,” I replied gruffly and kissed him as I walked him backward to the bunk beds where we went at it again, him atop me, gripping both our pricks as we humped and ground against the other. We tried to stay awake just to eke out a few more hours of pleasure if our dicks would cooperate, but sleep overtook us. He drifted off first, his nose on my clavicle, his lanky body splayed over me. With a sleeping bag for a blanket and a wet spot or two under my ass, I fell into one of the most restive slumbers I had ever experienced.

Coming awake sucked. It was one of those jarring awakenings where your eyes fly open and you’re totally discombobulated. The sun was just starting to pinken the sky, I noted, rolling my head toward the kitchen area and then back so that I could stare at the bottom of the top bunk as Shepherd dozed contentedly atop me. My lower back was stiff and one foot was hanging out and cold as a penguin’s dick, but I didn’t dare move. I wanted this moment to lock down into a memory that I could pull out like an old photograph after Shep was in Cheyenne. My gut cramped at the thought. He moved his leg, then blinked into consciousness with a sleepy grunt that was sexy as hell and stupidly cute. When his blurry gaze met mine, he smiled a lazy smile that I then kissed away. After we went at it once more and sucked each other off, we slowly rose and got dressed. It was so fucking awkward. I hated it and yet I had no clue how to make it less uncomfortable. Conversation was minimal. He was pulling away from me, from us, and I totally got why. The first roar of a snowmobile brought his head up from buttoning his one flannel shirt.

“They’re here,” I said, inwardly chiding myself for being dumb. Like he couldn’t hear the whine of the approaching engines. What was this, some cheap 80s horror film about a haunted house? Yeah, asshole, he knew they were here. That’s why he’d been girding himself for their arrival. “Look about what’s been going on here…with us…”

“No worries. It was nice, but I know I’m a hated man on this side of the Jante. I won’t tell them we hooked up.” He glanced my way while tucking his shirt into his jeans. “Besides, I’ll be heading to Cheyenne as soon as I can get some funds for legal help. What we had here was just…one of those things. Mutual slaking of desires, as they say.”

“Yeah, okay, thanks.” That was not at all what I’d wanted to say, but Shep was the guy with the degree here. The smart one. “Mutual slaking of desires. That’s totally what it was.”

His sinful lips pulled up into a sad smile. I took a step with some decidedly stupid words about to tumble past my lips when the first snowmobile pulled up out front, the engine cutting through any tender declarations I had been about to spew. Within ten minutes, there were several pickups with plows and four snowmobiles pulling up to the front of the cabin.

“Just stay here for a minute,” I told Shep, then flung the door open, the sun off the snow blinding me for a second. When my eyes adjusted, I had to smile at the sight of all the hands—plus a few extra—making their way to the front door. I’d missed them.