
The next weekor so had us falling into a new routine that felt like it should be a forever routine. Another issue that I shoved into a brain file to sort through sometime later. Like the next decade or when I was in the old cowpoke’s home. If I dwelled on all the things that were making me feel things, I’d end up feeling bigger things that confused and scared me. Yeah. So no thinking about feeling things. I focused on the physical things instead. The way Shep felt pressed into my back as we rode that old Arctic Cat to and from the feedlot. Or the way he looked rising from the steaming tub every night. I could not take my eyes from his slick, hard form and I think he knew it. The man took forever to dry off with our one shared towel. He did a lot of bending too, giving me a nice peek at his balls and ass. Did anyone really need legs that dry? No, they did not. Bathing every night seemed excessive. I was holding out for Saturday night like a true cowboy.

And then there was the way his jeans clung to him or the way he sat back to listen and drink coffee while I read out loud from the alien book. I wasn’t sure how story time had begun. Something about him being bored, and I offered to read out loud because I was stupid. My reading left a bit to be desired, and I was sure Mr. Vassar Man would pick it apart, but he never corrected me or said anything derogatory about my reading skills. He did critique the book, though.

“I have a few issues with this book,” he said after a long ass day followed by yet another distracting bath where he dried his legs for far too long.

“Sure you do.” I huffed and snapped the book shut, my gaze meeting his over the table. We now lounged here with the kerosene lamp situated between our coffee mugs.

“Well, seriously, the plot line is a little weak. So they’re aliens that sneak onto Earth. That, in and of itself, is hard to believe. What was happening with the folks who are in charge of keeping an eye on our skies? Did none of the hundred or so satellites rotating around us not pick up a spaceship coming into our orbit?”

I glowered at him. “They probably had a cloaking device.” Shep’s eyebrow twitched. “What? The Klingons had them. Look, if you’re going to nitpick every damn thing, I’m going to take the book to my bed, and you can sit out here and jerk off for fun.”

“Would you watch?”

Just like that, the world slipped off its little axis. My sight flew from the book to him. There was a fire in his eyes, eyes that I could now see quite well since the swelling was gone. There was some slight discoloration under his left eye remaining, but otherwise, he looked well. The scab on his lip was gone as was the one on his cheek. Nothing but the scarred memories to haunt him now, the poor bastard. I laid the book down on the table as he waited all cool as the icicles that hung from the eaves.

I had to clear a wad of lust from my throat before I could reply. “Why would I do that?”

“Because you watch me bathe every night.”

“There’s no ESPN out here,” I tossed out as all my blood raced to my cock. So he knew I was peeping. Just call me Tom because I enjoyed spying on him while water raced down his spine and into the crack of his taut ass.

“Oh, so that’s it. If football was on, you’d not find me attractive?”

“What are you trying to do here, McCrary?” The shitter shrugged. That made me laugh. “That’s right. If football were on I’d be glued to that. Don’t let your head get too swelled.”

“You didn’t answer the question. Would you watch if I sat here and jerked off?”

My dick twitched. “Probably.”

He placed his mug on the table and went for his fly. If I were a decent sort of man, one of them God-fearing sorts, I’d be appalled. Or at the very least, I would tell him not to pull out that hunk of meat that I’d seen dangling down his thigh every fucking night when he got out of the tub. But since I was not the religious sort, I simply sat there, prick rigid and balls aching, and watched as Shepherd tugged down his zipper and slid a hand into his briefs. His gaze held mine tightly, his pupils growing fat. I sucked in a shaky breath when he began to stroke his dick.

“Take it out,” I said, my voice gruff, the dare hanging in the air like cigar smoke.

He wet his lips, his hand in his underwear, and shook his head. “You take it out.”

How I kept my ass planted in that chair was anyone’s guess. “What are you trying to do here, McCrary?” I asked again. He gave his dick a stroke. Mine pulsed. “Look,” I said, trying my best to sound like a mature person who was not being led around by his stupidly hard cock. “I know you’ve been through some emotional shit. Drama. Angst. Family upheaval and all that. Maybe you just—”

“Maybe I’m a man who hasn’t been with another man in over a year. Maybe I think you’re sexy as fuck. Maybe I just want someone to show me a little…” He slammed right into a brick wall there. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”

“Maybe.” I stood up, walked around the table, and then went to my knees like a penitent man dropping down before a revered idol. His eyes flared. I pushed his thighs apart. His eyes simmered, his mouth opening just a bit, his fingers now gripping the edges of his seat as I fished his dick out of his pants. “Maybe not. Only one way to find out.”

I ran the tip of my tongue along the slit, gathering up the precious drop of precum. The taste of him made me shiver. His hips twitched. I licked the ruddy head of his dick, round and round with a flat tongue, until he was panting. Then I sucked the fat head between my lips. He jerked and groaned. I placed my hands on his thighs to keep his ass in his chair. His cock slid down my throat. I hummed in pleasure. Shep trembled, his cock leaking steadily as I bobbed up and down. When he came, it was with a roar that filled the cabin. Cum and spittle worked into a froth, coating my lips and chin, as I greedily swallowed all he could give me. His nails bit into the wooden seat. I took him in hand, working him roughly, watching as more spunk flew out of him. Some hit my cheek and another spurt landed on my nose. I wiped it off his cock, cleaning it with slow stripes up and down just like his dick was a popsicle.

“Fuck,” he huffed. “That was…too quick. Sorry,” he gasped as his eyes stayed locked on me and the clean-up taking place.

“No need to be sorry,” I said and kissed the weeping head of his dick. Those pretty blue eyes rolled back in his head. I gave him a few more tugs and then gently tucked his soft dick back into his pants. “Think we can get back to the book now? The aliens were about to sneak into the White House and plant an embryo into the anal cavity of the Secretary of State.”

His gaze caught and held mine. “I’d rather plant something of mine into your anal cavity.”

“Christ, McCrary,” I whispered. How did he know what I wanted above all other things? I grabbed the nape of his neck and jerked his mouth to mine. The rub of his beard made my balls tighten up. “Your bunk or mine?” I asked when we came up for air.

“Mine,” he croaked, took me by the shoulders, and gave me a shove. I went to my ass as he stood up and offered me a hand. He tugged me to my feet with a slight wince. I grabbed his head when I was upright and covered his mouth with mine, wanting him to taste his spend on my tongue. He moaned softly as his hands went to my ass. That was all it took for the tenuous rein I had of my control to snap. I shoved and hauled him to the bunk bed, teeth clacking, tongues tangling, his fingers kneading my buttocks as if they were bread dough.

“We need…naked,” I huffed when our shoulders slammed into the rail of the top bunk.

“Yeah, naked.” He nipped at my lower lip. His hands left my ass to work on my fly. We peeled each other out of our clothes in a rush that surely left some seams weakened and buttons loosened. I didn’t give one shit. All I cared about was getting dicked by Shepherd. “Do you have condoms?”