“You do listen well. Okay, so, do you want to give this a go by yourself?” I rubbed the horse’s neck and watched for any signs of stress on Bishop’s face. He appeared to be in a good frame of mine, cool and relaxed. He bobbed his head. “Okay then, what you need to do is look ahead where you want to go and stretch up tall on the saddle. Good. Nice. Now, squeeze with your butt, don’t give me that dirty smirk of yours, butt, thigh, and calf. Excellent! Now when she walks off, relax, and let her walk.”
I plodded along beside them. He looked amazing on a horse. I was incredibly proud of him for working on overcoming his fears.
“No shit I am riding a horse,” he said then grinned down at me. “And for the brakes?”
I chuckled. “Relax, engage your core again, lightly, good. Now sit back a bit. If she doesn’t stop then squeeze the reins.” Jezzy came to a gentle stop. “Well done. Give her a pat and some praise.”
“Just like I do you when I ride you?”
I grunted in reply but inclined my head. “Want to practice steering?”
When he said he did, we spent another forty minutes or so on that and then I let him ride Jezzy around the pen, climbing up to rest my ass on the top rung of the corral fencing. Kyle came ambling up, with Perry and another young man. It was obvious that the newcomer was Will Abbott. He looked just like his older brother minus the lifelines and scar on his chin from a bar fight. Will was rangy, dark-hair cut tight on the sides and with a flop on top, clad in jeans, sneakers, and a black tank top with a fluorescent pink koala on the front. He had all kinds of hoops along the shell of his ears, a ring in his nose, and a pink, yellow, and blue lizard tattoo on the side of his neck. If he were hoping to look like a punk rocker he was succeeding. Johnny Rotten would be proud.
“Looking good,” Kyle said. “Got a nice seat.”
Will rolled his eyes then walked off, phone coming out, vaping cigarette firing up.
“He’s just being an asshole,” Kyle growled, his jaw locking.
“He’ll come around. Hard to take a boy out of the city and drop him on a ranch,” I said from firsthand experience. “Give him time to settle.”
Perry stood at the fence, boot on the bottom rung, soft gray cowboy hat low on his brow, and watched Will intently. Bishop came walking up, stopped, and gave us a smile that was blinding.
“Dude, this is almost as exciting as sex and surfing!” he proclaimed which got a hard laugh from Kyle.
“Never been surfing,” I commented as I dropped to the ground, my boots hitting earth sending up twin clouds of fine dust.
“Someday I’ll take you to the coast and turn you onto it. For now, I think I need to get down. My ass aches.”
“We’ll work on that next.” I jogged off to get the mounting block and watched as he walked the horse into the proper place next to the block. I took the reins just in case. People tended to be nervous at times dismounting but Bishop did fine. Aside from a few deep moans when he was on his own two feet. “Now we take care of the horse.”
“But my aaaaaaaaass…” he whined as he rubbed the offended cheeks with both hands.
“I’ve got just what you need for that,” I replied with a wink, flinging back what he says to me every time I make mention of a sore ass.
“You planning on smearing hemorrhoid cream all over me?” he asked as he limped along, Kyle’s chortles fading away as we made our way back to the stables.
“Just your asshole and your mouth.”
He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my mouth to his for a bruising kiss.
“You love my mouth,” he whispered over my tender lips. The bastard had me there. I did love his mouth, and his cock, and the way the sun glinted off his wheat-and-honey hair. Seemed I was starting to love a lot about the man as terrifying and magnificent as that was.