“We’ll get to the bottom of it, you have my word. And Landon’s.” I pushed off the wall and walked to him. I passed along my coffee mug as our gazes locked. “Friday night then?”
Some of the ire leeched away from him. He stole a fast kiss and nodded.
“Friday night sounds good.”
“I’ll pick you up at six at your cabin.”
“Uhm it won’t be on him will it?” He motioned to my horse with a half-empty cup of coffee.
“We’ll work up to that,” I replied, my fingers twitching as I stared at his hair framing his face. He was a beautiful man. Young, yes. That nibbled at me. But he was more than just a young thing to play with. He was warm, funny, a bit of a chatterbox, intelligent, dedicated, and one hell of a kisser.
“Cool,” he replied and padded off, his sandals slapping his heels as he went.
My gaze stayed on his ass until he was out of sight. Tiberius gave the wall of his stall a sound back foot. I jumped a bit then began the morning chores. My head now unable to sort anything of great import. Other than I had a date in two days and the fact that someone had ridden onto the Prairie Smoke land and stolen things that belonged to Bishop. It was time to dig a wee bit deeper into that theft, and I was starting at the neighbor’s ranch.