Chapter Twelve

Seemsthat worry wasn’t the only concern Bishop and I would have.

No sooner had we returned to the ranch then trouble showed up at my front door. Literally, we had just dropped our bags to the floor after landing at Jackson Hole at eight at night and someone was knocking on the door.

I rolled my eyes as Bishop shrugged. “A foreman’s work is never done,” he said as I stalked to the door and opened it. There stood Kyle looking like someone had just run over his dog.

“Glad to see you’re back. Hope you had fun. We have an issue up at the big house,” he said in a rush. “Hey, prof,” he added when Bishop walked up on us.

“What’s going on?” I enquired of my second in command.

“The video footage of the outer windows has turned up something that has everyone on this fucking spread pointing a finger at Will,” Kyle ground out through teeth so tightly clenched it was a wonder they didn’t snap off. “I’ve been arguing with Mona for days. I think she’s working on swaying Landon and Montrell to her side. I don’t know what the shit she has against my brother but—”

I held up a hand. “Okay, just take a deep breath before you stroke out. Let me get my hat, and we’ll head to the house.” I looked over at Bishop. “Do you want to sit in?”

“Nope! This is ranch business. I might take your truck out to the dig site to check on the dig.” I wasn’t surprised. Even though they’d been in contact with each other while we’d been in California, I knew he was anxious to get back to his baby.

“Take it. I’ll ride up with Kyle and get this sorted.”

Bishop gave me a nod and a kiss. I grabbed my Stetson from the side table by the door and walked out into the sweet sun. My gaze touched on the Tetons then Kyle was in my face.

“I appreciate you stepping in, Nate. Landon respects you and your opinion,” he said as we rode past corrals where horses grazed contentedly. I’d need to visit Tiberius after this mess at the big house was resolved. I’d gotten little news from the ranch from Kyle while I’d been away other than a few quick notes about everything being fine and to enjoy myself.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this development earlier?” I asked. His frown deepened. “And what exactly is this development?”

“I didn’t want you to worry over something like this,” he confessed, his brow deeply grooved. “You deserved a few fucking days off without ranch shit weighing you down.”

I blew out a breath. “I appreciate that.” He nodded. “So what am I walking into here?”

We pulled into the drive to the big house, the massive log cabin home flanked by green ash, Ponderosa pines, and Douglas firs.

“Video tape footage shows a tall, thin male in a dark hoodie shimmying open a window on the western side of the house at two ten in the morning.” He looked my way. I was waiting for something more incriminating. A tall, lean man could describe any of the hands on the ranch. “Yes, the hood was up over his head so seeing the thief’s face is impossible.”

“So why are they so sure it was Will?” None of this made sense. “If the hood is up and—”

“The hoodie is Will’s. It’s that dark blue one with some anime show logo on the back.”

“Oh.” I’d seen him in that hoodie a few times. “Still, that’s not damning evidence. Someone could have taken the hoodie from the bunkhouse.”

We pulled up in front of the house. Kyle slammed the truck into park and killed the engine. “I know! That’s what I’ve been saying but Mona is arguing that with his record and the videotape, it’s enough to dismiss him. I’m calling BS on that shit. Will’s not an angel but he’s saying he didn’t do it, and I have to believe him.” I nodded silently. “I want to believe him,” Kyle amended then blew out a breath that billowed his cheeks. “Can you just talk to them? Landon will listen to you. Just tell them something to give Will a fucking break?”

“I’ll look at the videotape and make a call.” I clapped him on the shoulder. I wasn’t going to promise to lie if it looked to me like Will was the one who had pulled a B&E. As much as I liked Kyle, I was not willing to tarnish the relationship between myself and Landon or be discredited simply to cover for some wild young man. “Let’s go see what we can see.”

* * *

A half hourlater all the parties involved were gathered in the living room staring at the curio cabinet that had been burgled. Will, Kyle, Mona, Landon, me, Montrell, and Perry. Why Perry was here I didn’t know but the two youngest men in the room seemed to be involved in a glower war.

I watched the footage one more time on Landon’s laptop then flipped the lid shut. Will was slouched over a padded chair, a cloud of “I give no fucks” hanging over him like a thunderhead. Perry was fidgety, chewing on his lower lip, his eyes darting around the room.

“Did you call Mark?” I enquired of Landon.

He shook his head. “I was trying to keep the law out of this considering the evidence that’s starting to pile up.”

I took a deep breath to reply then Perry bolted to his feet. “It wasn’t Will!” he shouted to the stunned onlookers. “He doesn’t want me to say anything but—”

“Shut the fuck up, Perry,” Will snarled, his tone vibrating with anger.

“No, this is bullshit! He didn’t do it. He was with me the night the goose cup was stolen!” Perry announced. Mona gaped. Landon leaned up, his elbows coming to rest on his knees. “We were at the Lone Vale cabin.”