After a light lunch at home, we hit the city of angels to do some sightseeing. We visited the Hollywood Walk of Fame, cruised down Sunset Boulevard in Juan’s black convertible Mercedes, did a bit of shopping on Rodeo Drive. Just a bit because my credit limit on my old Visa didn’t go high enough to do more than a bit, and then went to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, morbid as that sounded. It was really quite interesting visiting the graves of the old movie icons such as Judy Garland, Cecille B. DeMille, and Rudolph Valentino.

By the time we left the cemetery, we were getting hungry, so we headed to Lapis Eleven, Juan’s restaurant in L.A. It was a grand meal, exemplary food and service in a softly lit dining room that seated at least two hundred. I had the robala chileno—Chilean sea bass—served with guacamole and black beans with a side of roasted avocado.

Juan and I ended up talking about cooking for most of the meal. How my ex had been a Michelin starred chef in Chicago, and how I had enjoyed cooking myself. Armie sipped on a mango drink of some sort, his ears perked up to everything I was saying.

After the meal, and the Mezcal infused cocktails we’d all had, aside from Juan who was the designated driver, we cruised down to the Santa Monica Pier to watch the Fourth of July fireworks. There were tons of people on blankets watching the colorful explosions taking place over a roller coaster and brightly lit Ferris wheel. Armie, Juan, and Diane seemed to be watching Bishop and me cuddling and necking instead of the fireworks.

“Did they see any of the fireworks?” I asked after the show had concluded.

“They think you’re a good match for me,” he whispered as we walked to Juan’s car, fingers meshed, blanket under my arm. “I think they’re right.”

It was right on the tip of my tongue to say it. Just blurt out that I loved him but something blocked the words from falling out. Instead, I stole a kiss.


After a round of hugs, hugs, and more hugs at the entrance of the Hotel de Luna, Bishop and I waved goodbye to his family for the night. Tomorrow held more touristy fun with trips to Universal Studios and Disneyland on the docket.

“I am exhausted,” I said around a yawn as we rode up to our room on the fifth floor.

“I hope you’re not too tired. I still owe you kisses for all your surfing boo-boos.” He leaned in close to taste my neck. Ah yeah, the surfing boo-boos. We’d not even tried to get romantic last night in his old room. The walls were so thin we could hear his mother turning the pages of her book as she read in bed. That might be a slight exaggeration, but we certainly heard her humming as she moved around her room. Also, bunk beds.

“I might be able to keep my eyes open a little longer.”

“Mm, I hope so.” He nipped at my earlobe then jumped back as the elevator opened on our floor. Our room was at the end of a short hall, a lovely suite with a stunning view of Los Angeles. The bed was massive and firm, the room lit with soft brown lamps that matched the rust and white theme.

I padded over to the slider to look out at L.A. “Nice view,” I said just as his arms slid round my middle.

“I agree.” He buried his face into my neck, his erection jabbing me in the buttocks. My head rolled to the side, an open invitation for him to proceed. And he did…with sharp nips that made me squirm and gasp. His hands slipped up under my shirt, eager fingers locating and pinching my nipples as he sucked up a love mark.

“You like that don’t you?” he purred into my ear, rolling my nipples while rubbing his cock against me. “You like when I pinch them.” He did, and I groaned. “And you love it when I pull on them.” He tugged the tender nubs. I moaned and leaned backward, pressing my ass into his dick. “God you’re so responsive. I love it.” He gave my earlobe a nibble.

“I want to suck you,” I panted, twisting in his arms until we were facing each other. His mouth slanted over mine, his reply in the possessive way he licked into my mouth, his tongue claiming mine with long sweeps and sharp jabs.

“On your knees then,” he softly growled. A shudder coursed through me as I went to my knees. I yanked on his zipper then peeled him out of his pants and briefs. His cock sprang up, the fat head slick already. “Do you want me to fuck that sweet mouth of yours?”

“Yes,” I replied as I wet my lips.

“Arms over your head. Open wide. Yeah, nice. Catch that drop of precum on your tongue.” I reached upward. He grabbed my wrists, pinning my arms to the cool glass door. A glistening string of liquid descended from his prick to my open mouth. The salty tang of him made my balls ache. “Mm, shit, you look so good like that.” His dick came closer then veered off to the left, leaving a damp streak across my cheek. I chased his cock, turning my head, my tongue out. He pumped a few times, hissing in pleasure as his dick scrubbed over my beard. “I want you to suck my balls first. Hard. Make a meal of them.” He took my wrists in one hand, using his free hand to press his cock to his belly. “Suck them into your mouth. Do it, Nate.”

“Fuck yeah,” I huffed, my eyes on his sac. I leaned forward, the motion stretching my arms and pulling on the shoulder sockets a bit. He went up to his toes. I took one orb into my mouth, sucking loudly, moaning around his nuts. Bishop loved oral play as much as he did anal. Just like I did. I mouthed his sac wantonly, slurping and whining, spittle coating my chin and throat. His breathing was ragged when he let go of his prick. It bounced off my forehead. I fell on it like a starving coyote, taking him deep. He thrust, his cock slipping down my throat making me gag. When he pulled out I whimpered.

“You want me to fuck your face?” I bobbed my head, lips stretched wide around his dick. He started pumping, his fingers like a steel band on my wrists. He began to move, quick short jabs of his hips that pushed his dick down my throat. My cock ached but that yearning only added to the moment. I knew he would get me off, and it would be phenomenal. It always was. A burst of rich precum hit my tongue right before he pulled out. His eyes were nothing but black, the beautiful sky blue swallowed by lust. “Fuck but your mouth is heaven.” He released my wrists. My arms tingled, the shoulder sockets complaining a bit. Shaking the feeling back into my hands, I looked up.

“Will you fuck me now?” I asked on a reedy exhalation.

He reached up to remove the ponytail holder from his hair then shook the honey-wheat strands free.

“I would love to.” He reached down, yanked me to my feet, and kissed me back into the glass door. I grabbed two handfuls of hair, tipping his head to the left so we could delve further and deeper. We were both panting like mules when we broke apart. “Strip down and get on the bed. On your back. I want to look into your eyes when my dick hits home.”

I stripped in seconds, flinging my clothes to the four winds as Bishop hurried over to his bag to find condoms and lube. He pulled off his shirt and whipped it over his head just before he joined me on the bed.

“We should get tested,” I said as he crawled between my legs. His gaze lifted from my well-fucked mouth to catch my sight. “Then we can get rid of the condoms. I’d love to feel you come inside me and only me,” I said as I palmed my stiff dick. What I’d just said registered, and a tremor of worry set up shop inside my brain. “I mean…I don’t mean you have to be exclusive with me obviously. You’ll be back on campus in a month, hours away. Let’s just forget what I said.”

“Fuck that,” he replied, arms locked, he lowered his lips to mine. “I want to feel that too. Imagine how good it would feel to fill up your ass? Fuck, just thinking about it makes me want to come.”

I gave him an awkward smile. “And as for the other thing, I’m totally happy to be with you and only you. If that’s what you want?”

Shit. This was the moment of truth then. Speak up, Nate.