
Afew days later, things weren’t any better.

Some of my teammates glared at me.

Some of them ignored me.

Some of them out and out hated me.

Gosh, how I wanted to walk over to Trey’s place and punch that jerk right in the guts.

It seemed more than unfair that I should get punished for something he was doing.

And something I couldn’t talk to another soul in the world about.

Yeah, I was definitely going to punch him.

Jillian took me out shopping earlier. Then we ate bad comfort food at the food court.

I came home, prepped my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow—and sat around.

I’d given up on scrolling my social media. Last week there’d already been reports of us breaking up.

Neither of us had responded to anything.

Well, I hadn’t.

I wasn’t sure if Trey had or not. I figured if something got leaked—I’d hear about it eventually.

Thank goodness for romance books. They’d been my only saving grace.

The only thing that made me happy these days.

As soon as I woke up in the morning—I grabbed a book—after the crappy reality of my life came crashing back in.

I loved those first few seconds of the day when I was happy, and anything seemed possible.

Until I remembered all the awfulness that was now my life.

Gosh, not even my dad had so much as called or texted.

That was weird.

He must be too busy being blissfully happy with Marianne to notice what kind of new hell I was living in.

Part of me wanted to call him up. Ask him to fly down. And hug the crap out of him while I cried.

The other part of me was genuinely happy that he’d found Marianne again. They were starting their new life together. The last thing they needed was more of my drama to deal with.

I mean, yeah, they were old. But they probably still felt the same giddiness Trey and I had.

Right?Just because you were old didn’t mean your emotions quit.

Or at least I hoped not.

And just because you were old, didn’t mean that newlywed excitement wasn’t just as strong.