
What’s Next?


“Gosh, I missed everyone over the summer,” I said, and really meant it.

There was pretty much nothing about the summer break I wanted to think about right now, though.


Other than the fact I’d created some new, fantastic designs—that have been selling like hotcakes. Oh, and I also amped up my video reviews so I have a nice backlist of them.

Making them on the fly is such a pain when I’m busy with the team.

Now, I finally felt like I could breathe again.

At least a little.

All I wanted to concentrate on this next month was building back those relationships and close bonds from last season.

Oh, and hockey of course. Getting back on the ice with these ladies was going to be awesome again this year.

I could taste it.

But, for right now, all I wanted to do was get into the hot tub and soak away my stiff muscles. The plane ride, unpacking, and cleaning my apartment had taken its toll.

As soon as this week’s episode was over, that was exactly where I was going.

What I really needed was a good yoga session to stretch myself out.

That wouldn’t happen until tomorrow morning, though.

I’d done the usual prep work for our “watch party.”

Various dips and things to dip into them.

Fresh fruit and veggies.

And popcorn for Niki because she was severely addicted to it. But, in a cute way.

All the ladies had drinks and were finally settling down to watch the upcoming show.

I could feel their collective energy and excitement emanating from their bodies.

And their minds.

Gosh, I loved these women.

Such a strong, smart, caring group.

“Shh, it’s starting,” Niki said as she shoved another handful of popcorn into her mouth.

Everyone quieted as Marco walked onto the stage.
