“Gimme a second to find it,” I said, letting my lips touch the sensitive skin of her neck.

“Wes, I told you,” she turned her head to me, “separate beds.”

Oh, I’d heard her loud and clear. I’d agreed to separate beds.

What I hadn’t agreed to was not trying to get into her bed.

Or her into mine.

“Gotcha,” I said as I let my eyes drop to her lips. “Oh, here it is.” I nodded to the screen.

She turned her head back to the laptop. “Holy crap,” she gasped, then took over scrolling through the pictures.

“An outdoor and indoor pool? And hot tub and sauna?”

“The doctor said swimming will help my knee.”

She kept scrolling, “Good, God! Look at the price.” Her hand clasped to her chest.

I chuckled and stood beside her, leaning with my body touching hers. “I have money. And lots of it.” She looked at me. “Not all that many years left to spend it.”

Marianne sighed and shook her head. “Wes, you’ll bury us all. You know that.”

I shook my head. “Nope. The years come faster and don’t last near as long.”

Her eyes got watery, and she turned back to the laptop. “So, this is where you’re going to move?”

“Depends on what my wife says.” I touched the screen with my finger. “I know she’s always wanted to wake up and look at the mountains. And here, she could.”

This time she let out a longer sigh. “It’s huge, Wes. Nobody needs that much space.”

I laughed. “You don’t think we need room for the kids and grandkids?”

Her mouth dropped open, and she said, “There are no grandkids.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Yet. Altogether, we’ve got four kids between us. There’ll be grandkids.”

She was quiet for a minute. “Do you think Trey and Lexi will have kids?”

That made me jerk my head straight back and laugh. “You’ve seen my daughter’s bedroom wall. She’s been dreamin’ of making babies with your son since before she knew what that even meant. They’ll have babies, Marianne. And lots of them.”

She looked at me like she’d never considered the possibility. “Do you really think so?”

“I know so. What about your other two kids?”

She rolled her eyes. “Well, I’m not sure if Hannah will ever settle down. And the suave Dr. Barnes is too busy flirting with his client’s owners. Especially the young, single pretty ones.”

I grinned because I’d met Dr. Barnes. That guy had game, I could tell.

“It just takes meeting the right one, and then—boom. Everything changes.”

She gazed back at the screen. “It’s a ton of money.”

I slid my arm around her waist, and rested my chin on her shoulder. “Then it’s a good thing I have a ton of money. What do you say? Do you like it?”

“I love it. But it’s Canada—the winters are cold.”

I chuckled. “I know how to keep you warm.”