Then, he clocked me under the eye, but I barely felt it.

I forcefully grabbed his collar and jerked him closer. “How’s it feel? Hmm? You like gettin’ hit as much as you like hittin’? Hmm?” I growled out at him, tightening my grasp on his shirt.

“Let me go, you crazy motherfucker!” He pushed and struggled in my arms.

I wasn’t done with him yet.

I threw him down to the ground—just like he’d done to Marianne.

His shocked, bloody face looked up at me.


“Is it fun, Dick?” I asked, then my foot connected against his ribs, hopefully breaking a few ribs.

Just like he’d done to Marianne.

He wheezed out a pathetic, forced cough.

“Huh? How’s it feel to be the one on the floor, getting the shit kicked out of them?”

I moved along with him as he tried to scramble away. His torso backed up against the wall.

There was nowhere left for him to go.

“Are you having fun, Dick?”

Blood ran from his nose, down his lips and chin. “You’re crazy, get the hell out of my house!”

I smiled down at him. “I am crazy, Dick. And if you ever lay a hand on my wife again, I’ll come back for another visit.”

I turned to leave.

Halfway to the door, I shifted around. “And next time, Dick? I won’t be so nice.”

“Hunter!”the guard called my name, startling me awake. I’d drifted off against the cold, brick wall.

I stood and walked to where he waited. The guard opened the cell and let me out.

“You did quite a job on that asshole,” he whispered to me.

I shrugged and flexed my hands. My right one ached like crazy. Hopefully, I didn’t break anything.

Even if I did, it was totally worth it to see that slimeball flat out on the floor.

“Let’s just say, none of us are sad about it,” the guard gave me a half-smirk.

He walked me out into the lobby where I had to sign for my stuff.

“Good luck, man. I mean it,” the guard said before he disappeared back into the abyss of the holding cells.

I thanked the admin guy and took my phone and wallet.

When I turned around, I saw Marianne sitting in the waiting room.

Her eyes were burning holes through me. I wandered over to her. “I’ll pay you back for the bail.”

She nodded and glared at me. “Yeah, you sure will,” she replied with an attitude. I wanted to smile at her, but I refrained.