I yanked on his hand and gave him a bro-hug, complete with back slaps and all. “Thanks, man. It felt good to be playing again.”

We let go and moved back. “Hurry up and come home. We need you on our team.”

I smiled at him, even though we both knew the truth.

I was stuck here until the end of the season.

The men back in Vegas were about to end a disappointing first season.

“I’ll do my best.”

Lexi maneuvered herself under my arm and hugged me. I gazed down at her and kissed her softly.

Then she whispered in my ear, “I have my tongue piercing in.”

I chuckled and said, “Lexi Hunter, you are my favorite person in the entire world.”

Later that night—aftergetting reacquainted with Lexi’s tongue piercing—and the rest of her curvy, soft body, the doorbell rang.

Considering I’d just gotten the keys to this place today, I wasn’t expecting any visitors.

Plus, it was nearly midnight.

“Oh, I’ll get it,” Lexi said, about to slide her naked self out of my bed.

I grabbed her arm. “I don’t think so. I’ll go,” I said, not about to let my wife answer any door this late at night.

She turned to me and grinned. “It’s okay, I know who it is.”

I frowned at her and let her go. I jumped out of bed and grabbed a pair of shorts out of my bag.

Knowing I’d be flying here directly after the press conference, the team had outfitted me with a few essentials.

Lexi had pulled on her pink thong and was currently reaching for the white dress shirt I’d been wearing tonight.

“Hang on, let me go first,” she said, attempting to do up the buttons on the shirt.

The doorbell rang again, and I ignored my wife.

I hurried down the stairs—the whole time, Lexi was behind me complaining.

“Wait, hold on.”

There was no way in hell I’d let my wife answer the door. I got there first and opened it up.

“Mrs. Turner?” the guy at the door looked to Lexi beside me.

“That would be me,” Lexi said excitedly, bouncing on her bare feet.

“Awesome,” the young guy said, “I’ll be right back.”

She peered up at me like the cat who’d eaten the canary.

Before I had time to question her, I heard a very familiar bark coming from outside.

I couldn’t be—but it was.

“Hayley, my girl.” I crouched down and picked up the wiggly puppy. “Ah, Daddy missed you.” She licked my face like crazy and I laughed.