And the rest was out of my hands.

“Trey fucking Turner, holy shit, man,”I was greeted into the locker room of the team I’d been thrown down to.

Yeah, it was a step back.

A huge, giant step back.

But I needed to accept it.

This is where I was right now.

Not forever.

Right now.

At this moment.

I could and I would move up again.

Back to where I belonged.

To the spot I’d earned.

And lost.

And I’d win it back.

The guys were more than welcoming, and truth be told—I was itching to get out on the ice.

I wasn’t sure if the coach would even put me on tonight. Honestly, it was doubtful.

It didn’t matter, though.

This was the next step to getting my career back on track. So, I’d do what I had to do.

We went through the warm-up, and I kid you not—the second my skate hit the ice I felt at home.

Out here—I knew what to do.

I tried not to let it bother me that Lexi hadn’t answered any of my calls or texts since I’d gotten out of rehab this morning.

I knew she might be at practices, meetings, or workouts.

I also knew that she might be avoiding me.

All of which she was allowed to do.

None of which I could do anything about.

I was miles and miles away from Vegas. So, it wasn’t like I’d bump into her at the apartments or anything.

Oh, well.

A problem for another time.

Right now, I had a game to concentrate on.

Like I thought, the coach didn’t start me.