Jillian changed lanes, then gazed over at me. “That’s why you filed for divorce, isn’t it? Trey’s got a problem?”

I opened my mouth.

Then closed it.

Then opened it.

Then closed it.

She nodded. “It all makes sense now, sweetie. I’m so sorry I didn’t see it. I knew it was something—” she hit the steering wheel with the palms of her hands, “I just couldn’t put the pieces together.” She set her hand on my arm. “And you protected him. You’re a good wife, Lexi.”

Some of what she said was finally starting to seep through.

Oh my gosh.

Trey was in treatment.

I shook my head. “I’m not,” I said, feeling my heart pound inside my chest. “A good wife would have stuck around. I bolted.”

Jillian squeezed my arm. “No, you loved him so much, you called him out on his shit. Damn, girl. I wish I would have known.”

There was silence for a minute, then I asked, “They’re both in rehab? Trey and Dad?”

She sent me a sad smile. “Yeah, Lex. Both of them. I just heard it from the coach. She was trying to catch you before you left.”

I nodded and took some deep breaths.

“Holy cow,” I said as I stared out the windshield.

“Lex,” Jillian called me and I turned my head to her. “Your dad—how long has he had a problem?”

“Since I’ve known him,” I answered her honestly.

Her grip on my arm tightened. “Oh, Lexi. I had no idea. I’m so sorry.”

I put my hand on top of hers. “Thanks, Jillybean. You’re a good friend.”

Once we got to the apartments, I rushed straight to my place. I unlocked my door and Jillian was right behind me.

I walked in and she followed. I knew I should probably tell her I didn’t need her around—but I really, really did.

I wanted her here.

She looked up at the camera in the corner of my living room and sighed. “The eye in the sky.”

I nodded and walked to the bedroom.

I had to do something that I didn’t want the cameras to see.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through it.

Dad left a text message. “Your husband’s giving me a ride back to treatment. I hope he stays there with me. I think he will. But, if he doesn’t, you should know something. He’s been detoxing for a while now, and he’s not in great shape. I told him it’s dangerous to do it by yourself, but he didn’t listen. If he doesn’t admit himself this morning, you should get him to the hospital. The poor idiot could use some help. As for me, I’m sorry. I’ve said it a thousand times before. But I am. I’m so sorry you ended up with a complete dud for a dad. I wanted to be so much more for you. Instead, I fucked up my life and yours. I’m sorry, Alexis. I hope one day, you can forgive me. I love you. Never forget that.”

And that was all he wrote.

Next, I opened up Trey’s text. “Lex, they won’t let me use my phone in here. They’ve taken it away. I love you, sweetheart. I’m sorry for leaving you, but I can’t do this on my own. I need help to unfuck my brain. I feel horrible for everything I’ve put you through. I really do. See you in thirty days, sweetheart. It feels unfair to ask you to wait for me—but I’m asking anyway. Please, wait for me, Lex. I love you.”

A box of tissues plopped down in front of me. I sniffled, just realizing how many tears I’d shed.