Blue eyes.

And that smile.

“I don’t know!” little, sweet, excited Lexi yelled out, her words mashing together to form one long word.

“Mommy, help the baby out,” Wes’ voice sounded from behind the camera.

“Hey, I’n not a baby,” little Lexi suddenly yelled at her father. Her hands were set on her waist in stubbornness, even at that age.

I smiled, knowing that little girl’s fire and determination only grew and blossomed into the woman she was now.

The camera bounced as Wes laughed. “I know, Alexis. You’re Daddy’s big girl. I know.”

Lexi’s mom glanced up at the camera and laughed, too.

Christ, she looked just like Lexi.

“You’ll always be Daddy’s baby, Lexi bear,” her mom grabbed Lexi and kissed her cheek. “Even when you’re all grown up, you’ll still be his baby girl.”

Wes sniffled and let out a mournful cry. I turned my head to see the big, towering man reduced to a puddle of tears and emotions.

“No, I’n not a baby!” little Lexi stomped her feet—only eliciting more laughter from her parents.

“Okay, Alexis. You’re not a baby. Open your present, for Daddy,” Wes said in quiet laughter.

“Come here, honey,” Lexi’s mom encouraged until little Lexi finally gave in and began ripping open the pink paper.

When she dug into the box, she pulled out a pair of small, black—hockey skates.

Little Lexi’s eyes and mouth formed perfect O’s.

Then she let out a loud, piercing scream. “Yay, yay, yay!” She jumped up and down gleefully. “I wanna go skating!”

“Look what else is in here,” Lexi’s mom said, pulling out a helmet and stick.

Little Lexi immediately dropped the skates and wrenched the stick away from her mother.

Fortunately, her mother ducked just in time.

Wes laughed heartily. “We’ve got a slasher here!”

They all laughed and the screen went black.

Next, it lit up in a snow covered wonderland. This time, Lexi’s mom was behind the camera, and Wes was helping little Lexi to skate. He stood in front of her, holding her mitt-covered hands. She wore a jersey that hung on her more like a dress than a shirt.

“Gimme the stick?” little Lexi asked, and wiggled her arms, trying to get out of her father’s grasp.

“In a while. First, you need to learn to skate,” Wes instructed.

He was young and still playing for Edmonton at the time.

Of course, Lexi’s jersey matched his.

“No! I wanna have my stick!” Lexi screamed at the top of her lungs.


Wes sighed and gave in.