I shook my head although I needed probably a dozen of them. “No, I’m coming out of it. It just hit me pretty hard.”

“How’s Dad?”

“Uh, about the same as before. Nearly flooded the bathroom last night. He left the tub running.”

Lexi’s eyes opened wide and her mouth formed a cute, little ‘O.’ “Oh, no, was there damage?”

“Nothing a few towels didn’t fix. I caught it early.” And, damn, those stupid towels were still in the bathtub.

The washer had been full of Lexi’s sheets—that I’d sweated through.

Well, one of the sets of her sheets that I’d sweated through.

I’d gone through every set she had, and now I was reduced to sleeping on towels.

“You look horrible. Are you keeping hydrated?” she asked in a quiet, concerned voice.

“You bet. Small sips,” I told her, even though I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had anything to drink.


There was silence for a moment, and I wanted to keep her on the phone—but I also knew I’d be needing the bathroom quickly.

“Should I come home? I can leave tonight. I’ll talk to the coaches.”

I shook my head. “No, absolutely not. I’m holding down the fort. You do what you need to do.”

“Trey,” she said so softly that it swirled around me, and gave me comfort.

“What, sweetheart?”

“Thank you for—for doing this.”

I smiled and I felt my lip split open. Ouch. “Any time, Lex. We’re fine, though, really. But, can you do me a favor?”

“What do you need?”

What I needed was her.

My wife.

In my arms.

I wanted to smell her coconut scented skin and taste her bubble gum lips.

I needed to make babies with her.

Lots of babies to fill our house and lives with so much chaos and confusion—and love.

Especially love.

I needed her to lay down beside me and read from one of the hundred or more books she had on her shelves. Because no matter how much I wanted to read right now, somehow the book just felt too heavy in my hand.

But most of all—I needed her to forgive me for being a stupid idiot.

“Don’t worry about anything here. I’ve got it covered. I promise. All I want you to think about is getting to the final, okay?”

She smiled, and I swear to God—that had been my only bright light in fucking days. “Did you watch our game last night?”