Just forget anyone or anything else existed in the world.
After I got home, I grabbed my phone.
This feeling of restlessness I had inside was driving me insane.
Maybe reading a chapter or two before I wandered back to the apartment might help.
As soon as I opened my phone, a ton of notifications bleeped across the screen.
Not in the mood to see anything on social media.
Or answer any emails.
Instead, I chucked my phone into my bag and headed to the apartment.
The black, iron gate screeched and complained as I opened and shut it.
Much like my neck and back did whenever I moved.
I tried my best to ignore the subtle twinges starting up.
Inevitably, I’d be in full, throbbing pain sometime in the next twenty minutes.
The lights were off in my—our—apartment. I could see that from here.
Lexi was probably at Gigi’s or already in bed. Even though I couldn’t join her, I still liked connecting with her—in whatever form that took.
I walked around the pool, and let out a disappointed huff.
This was crazy.
We’d only been living together for days and I was already looking forward to seeing her.
I opened the door as quietly as I could, and my heart did a strange stutter beat.
Lexi was on the couch, dressed in her soft, pink pajamas.
They weren’t sexy or provocative.
Let me clarify that—they wouldn’t be sexy or provocative on anyone else in the world.
Except Lexi.
She filled out pajamas like nobody’s business.
“Hey,” she said to me with a sweet smile on her face.
There were at least three candles burning on the coffee table and the side tables.
She had a book in her hands.
“Hey,” I answered back and chucked my bag on the floor. “What are you reading?” I asked a question that a couple of months ago I wouldn’t have cared.
But now—since I’d turned into a romance novel addict—I cared about it.