“What, my brave friend?”
“Thank you for letting me into your life,” he gasped out, like he was having difficulty breathing. “You’ve been such a good friend to me. I really don’t deserve to have someone as nice as you in my life.”
“Ditto, my friend. You’ve been there for me many times.”
“Do me a favor?”
I nodded, paying special attention to what his request might be.
“Make up with that idiot fiancé of yours. For real. Okay? He’s so crazy in love with you it’s sickening.” He coughed again, more blood coming up.
“Shh, enough talking. You need to stay still,” I said, stroking his face.
“Do it, or I’ll come back and haunt both of you.”
Then he started coughing more violently, and I had to move away and let the paramedics takeover. I could hear the radio going off, and it sounded like they said we had one minute until arrival.
I sat there and prayed Trey could hold on that long.