“Can I see him?” Beau asked me and my heart sunk at his words. No, he couldn’t see Trey. Only family was allowed back there. Not to mention the fact Beau’d be devastated at what he’d see.
I looked up into his dark, worried eyes and said, “Yeah.”
“He’s Trey’s brother,”I told the exceptionally persnickety nurse.
She set her hands on her hips and said, “He seems to have a lot of brothers.”
Beau nodded his head. “He does.”
The nurse knew we were full of it.
Still, she moved aside and let us through.
Beau’s hand had a death grip on mine, and I was more than dreading his reaction to seeing Trey in that bed. He was going to take this hard.
I led him to Trey’s room. Dr. Barnes looked up and gave us a small smile. “Hey, Beau, thanks for coming.”
Beau nodded at him, then stopped in his tracks when he saw Trey. “I’m going to kill that motherfucking Rozovsky,” was all he said, holding my hand so tight I was certain the blood flow to it had completely ceased.
He stared at his friend for a moment before he asked me, “Can he hear me?”
“Jury’s still out on that one. But I’d bet he can,” I answered back in a quiet voice.
Beau nodded and walked over to the side of Trey’s bed. “I swear to you, man. I will repay Rozovsky for this,” he said in a scary voice that sent chills down my spine. Then he reached for Trey’s hand. “We won. Beat those assholes five nothing. We’ll win the rest of the series, too. I promise.”
We finally leftin the early hours of the morning.
Dr. Barnes said he’d stay the rest of the night and ordered us to get some rest.
Reluctantly, Beau and I left and went back to his place.
I took off my bloodstained clothes and threw them in the washer, not caring one bit if the stains came out.
When I stood in the shower, I was amazed at the red colored water circling the drain. I hadn’t even realized I’d gotten so much blood on me.
I turned the shower hotter and grabbed more soap.
Then and only then did I let my tears fall as I washed off one of the worst days I’d ever experienced.
After the longest shower in the world, I wandered back to my room.
I took forever to dry my hair. I didn’t want to turn off the dryer and be alone in the quiet—with my own thoughts.
I’d done so much thinking tonight, my brain felt like mush.
Eventually, I turned off the hairdryer and slipped into a tank top, but no shorts. I was too tired make the extra effort.
And it wasn’t like anyone would be able to see me anyway.
The boys weren’t here, and Beau was in his room.
After I turned out the light, I dropped into bed, hoping sleep would come quickly. And morning would arrive with good news for my friend.
A few minutes later, I heard a light knock on the door.
It was so soft, I wasn’t positive I’d heard anything.
When it sounded again, I said, “Come in.”