“What do you mean? Christmas is like two weeks away? How could you not know yet?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “There’s been a lot of other stuff going on I guess, Jillybean. Do you still want me over to test those new eyelashes?”

“And makeup,” she added, waiting for me to stand up. “Oh, and maybe a new hair wand that I think would work fantastic on your hair. Are you okay if I video you for part of it?”

“Of course,” I said, always eager to help my best friend. “What time do you want me over?”

The facility was packed.

Our women’s team all sat together.

Most of them were leaving in a day or two to go back home.

Quite honestly, if I didn’t have so many loose ends to tie up here, I would have booked my ticket home already. I thought about asking Beau about what would happen for the holidays, but it was game day.

The first game in a series for them.

They had tomorrow off, so I’d bring it up tonight.

You didn’t bother a player about stuff like this when they had to concentrate.

This morning, I asked myself how many fucks I gave about going home for Christmas. And while it was quite a few, going back to Montreal for the holidays would be a good time, too.

Especially if we could take the boys to see all of Beau’s family.

The twins had never seen snow.

So, that would be a lot of awesomeness for them.

For Beau’s sake—and for his family’s—I hoped Sienna would be open to Beau taking the boys to Montreal at some point.

I could always go back home after Christmas. I’d still have a couple of weeks off in January to spend time with my mom.

Either way, sooner or later, I’d step foot in Alberta this month. Or next.

And that thought warmed my insides almost as much as my mom’s hot chocolate.

“Here they come!” Gianna yelled, and we all stood up to cheer as the men walked out of the tunnel—their goalie leading them to the ice.

I spotted Beau, and right away our eyes met. Knowing the cameras were most certainly on us, I blew him a kiss and fluttered my eyelashes at him. He grinned his trademark, bad boy smile back at me as he shook his head.

After he passed by, I saw Trey. He smiled at me and reached up his hand. I quickly took it and gave it a squeeze. “Good luck!” I screamed over the noise.

“Thanks, kid,” he said, letting go of my hand as he walked on by.

My stomach had butterflies in it for them.

They’d had an incredible start to the season. If they could win this series, it would set them up nicely for the new year.

While we sat and watched the game, the girls chatted about what they were all doing for the holidays, and what they were giving and hoping to get. And I had to admit, I was a tad bit jealous of their freedom to just do whatever they wanted.

None of them had to deal with the complexities of a fake relationship and how it looked to the outside world.

Anyway, our men were playing their tails off out there.

By the end of the first period, we were up two goals to none.

The crowd—which mostly consisted of Angels’ fans, seeing as we had home ice—looked happy and excited.