
“So, all the boys slept over last night?” Jillian asked while we stretched out at the end of her yoga class.

I nodded and reached for my right foot, feeling the burn behind my calf. “Apparently they missed me too much,” I said with a huge smile on my face. “Beau bought them the cutest little sleeping bags. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited they were. I made them a blanket fort with an old sheet and they slept inside it the whole night.”

“With my puppies,” Trey said, he had been a regular at Jillian’s yoga for a while now. I’d told him it would work wonders for the arthritis in his back.

“Did they tell you that?” I asked, leaning my arm over to the side with my legs as wide as they’d go.

“Yeah, Gordie and Angel told me this morning,” he said with a smirk.

Jillian poked me in the ribs. “Did you two finally name those poor doggies?”

I laughed and did my best to touch my tummy to the ground, my hands pulling me forward. “The twins did. I guess we should have asked for their help earlier.”

“FYI, Genius names,” Jillian said, she smiled so wide that her dimples came out.

“Right? Those kids are smart,” I said, folding my legs in and straightening my spine.

“What time do you guys play tonight?” Jillian turned to Trey, who was still stretching.

“Puck drops at seven o’clock. Are you guys coming?” he asked looking from one of us to the other.

“Only if you promise not to fight,” I said, raising my eyebrow at him.

He laughed low and deep. “Oh, Gigi. I only fight to protect what’s mine. It’s all part of the game, kid.”

“I’m with Gigi. No more fighting with that idiot,” Jillian said, nodding at me.

“When are you guys leaving for the holidays?” he asked, obviously finished with our game suggestions.

I beat Jillian to the punch. “Nice way to change the subject. I’m serious, though. This vendetta you have with Rozovsky is getting old.”

“Nope, it’s not,” he said, then popped up onto his feet to stand. “See you guys there. Cheer loud so I can hear you,” he said, then winked before he walked off.

“Eventually, one of them is going to get really hurt,” Jillian whispered, looking over at me.

I whispered back, “I know. I’m scared for him.”

“Anyway,” Jillian said, starting to roll up her mat, “are you going back home for the break? Or straight to Montreal?”

She was referring to the weeks long break the women’s team had now. We didn’t have as many teams to play against in our league. Not like the men.

So, one luxury of that was a nice, long, winter break.

What I hadn’t considered was where I’d be spending it.

All I’d been concentrating on was getting to this point. I missed my mom and the ranch. I couldn’t wait to go back home and relax for a while.

Jillian’s question made me realize I’d have to discuss this with Beau. My stomach twisted at the thought of not being able to see my mom at Christmas.

Our Christmases were never huge gatherings.

But she and I were always together and that was what mattered.

“Umm, I’m not sure yet,” I said, rolling up my mat, trying not to look her in the face.