
“I’ll just stay here tonight. The meeting went longer than expected and then we hung out for a bit,” Geneviève texted. “Yoga in the morning, so I’d have to be here early anyway.”

Third time this week she pulled this on me.

It was getting to be more than a habit.

Luckily, I’d thought ahead. “Boys, grab your new sleeping bags. We’re going on a sleepover at the apartment.”

They started jumping up and down, hooting and cheering at their newfound luck. Then they did exactly as they were told, in record time.

“Handrail, Carson,”I called up to him. He was almost at the top of the steps, so it didn’t matter all that much.

Cooper hung back with me, helping with the puppies.

I could hear Carson knocking on the door, followed by his excited voice saying, “Surprise!”

Cooper jogged up the rest of the steps, abandoning me. “Hey, I wanted to say that!” he said, poking his brother’s chest.

“Coop, you can still say it,” Geneviève said with a sweet giggle.

“Oh,” Cooper said, contemplating what she’d just told him. “Surprise!” he yelled, his hands shooting straight up in the air for full effect.

“I am very surprised. Come in, I’m happy you showed up,” she said, her voice sounding genuine, even though I wasn’t exactly sure about that. She moved to the side and let them in.

“Hi,” I said, looking down at Geneviève’s makeup free face. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and the tight, pink, tank top she was wearing just happened to be one of my favorites.

Mostly because of the generous amount of cleavage it showed.

Her head tilted to the side, and she gave me a small smile. “Hi.”

I mouthed, “Kiss me,” to her, then motioned my head in the direction of the camera.

She lifted up to her toes and touched her mouth to mine briefly.

It was quick, but I still felt it in it in my cock. I smiled down at her and walked inside. “Hey, guys, wait until Geneviève tells you where to put your stuff.”

“You’re all staying here tonight?” she asked quietly while closing the door.

“Daddy said we missed you and had to come over and keep you company, so you weren’t lonely,” Cooper said, undoing his sleeping bag—exactly what I’d asked him not to do.

I spoke to Geneviève in French, “You can’t keep sleeping here alone. It’ll look bad on TV. You’re here more than you’re at my house.”

“It hasn’t been that many times, Beau. I think you’re exaggerating,” she said, making her way into the kitchen. Her shorts were wonderfully short, and I watched her ass sway as she went.

“This is the third time this week.”

She frowned down at the counter like she was thinking. “Hmm, I guess you’re right.” Then she busied herself, pulling things out of her cupboards and the fridge.

The boys undid the puppies’ leashes and immediately found the dog toys in the bin. I left them to it and wandered over to look at the pictures on the wall.

Geneviève hadn’t packed any of these pictures to take to my place. Her dad’s guitar was still on the wall where she’d left it, too.

“Did you guys agree on names for the puppies yet?” Cooper asked while playing a game of tug a war with the girl puppy.

I gazed over at Geneviève. “Not yet, sweetie,” she said from the kitchen where she was mixing up something in a bowl—not that I cared. I was too busy focusing on the way her perfect breasts bounced and jiggled.