
“He’s still mad at me.”

“Honey, have you apologized? Or at least explained things?” my mom asked as I laid on my bed while we video chatted.

“Umm, just that one time. But he wasn’t exactly in the mood to listen,” I told her, referring to when Sienna had shown up at my apartment and Beau had overheard our conversation.

Her shoulders and head slumped down. “You need to do that, Geneviève. I can understand why his feelings are hurt, can’t you?”

I nodded and sighed into my pillow. “I know, I know. There never seems like a good time.”

“How are you feeling about his apology? For not telling you about the boys?”

My eyes drifted over to our team picture I put on the wall as I pondered my mother’s question. “I’m less mad every day, I think.”

“Sweetie, he was trying to protect you. Sometimes we do stupid things when we want to spare our loved one’s feelings.”

“He could have told me, Mom. I would have dealt with it—with him.”

“He probably felt like it was his burden to carry until the results came in.”

“Yeah, well finding out from a bunch of reporters was no picnic.”

“I can understand that. But try looking at it from his point of view. He wouldn’t have kept it from you forever. Beau was going to tell you once he knew for certain.”

“Mom, he met them before I even knew they existed. Imagine right now, you’re sitting beside Jase, and he went down for a DNA test a few days ago. Without telling you. His ex had shown up with pictures of his twins. And he didn’t tell you.”

She let out a loud exhale. “I’d have to shoot him. Initially, anyway.”

I let out a laugh at the absurdity of that statement. “You would not.”

“Okay, well, at first I’d feel like shooting him. And I’d be hurt, yes. Absolutely. But we love each other, so we’d talk it out.”

I nodded, letting her words sink in. Besides Marcel and Angelique—and Beau, my mom was the only other person who knew what was truly going on in my life.

At times like this, it really sucked not being able to see her in person.

“He was probably scared of losing you. And if they had turned out not to be his—well, then he’d have saved you from a few days of worry.”

“Mom, they look exactly like him. How could he not know?”

She nodded and leaned on her hand. “I saw the pictures. Cute little things. And yes, they are mini-Beau’s, you’re right about that one. How are things between you now? When it’s just you two?”

I shrugged and rolled to my other side, moving my laptop as well. “I don’t know. Sometimes he’s—cordial. And sometimes I think he’d rather live with a homeless stranger than me. I feel like I’m in the way.”

“Do not feel that way, honey. You have just as much right to be there as he does.”

“I know. It’s just—weird.”

“If it gets too much, will you do me a favor?”

I nodded my head. “Go back to your apartment. Call the whole thing off. This game you guys are playing isn’t worth your health. Promise me that?”

I smiled, loving the fact that my mom was worried about me. “I will. It’s honestly not that bad.”

A loud banging sounded on my door. “Mom, hang on a second.” I took out my earbuds and said, “Hello?”