Again, it was way too cute watching the doggie kiss up Beau. Both of the puppies whined and cried in his arms, wanting more and more of their daddy’s attention.

Before I knew it, Trey and Dr. Barnes were back with my desk. I showed them up the stairs to my room—but I called it my office, instead. They were just as clueless as the rest of the world and thought our engagement was the real thing.

When we went back down the stairs, Beau said, “The boxes and luggage go in the master suite.”

I looked at him for a moment, but I knew why he said that. Just like me, he knew we needed to keep up the ruse. It was going to be a pain in the ass to move everything out of his room to mine, though.

Whatever, there was nothing we could do about it until the men left.

I was setting up my laptop and desk when Trey knocked on the door. I gazed over my shoulder and smiled. “Thanks for your help,” I said, setting my desk lamp down for a moment.

“All you gotta do is ask, kid,” Trey said, striding right up to me.

“Same here,” I said, reaching out to hug him. The second his arms went around me, I started crying. I tried to stop, I just couldn’t. It was completely unexpected and I felt like an idiot. “Oh crap, I’m sorry,” I said, wiping under my eyes. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

Trey hugged me tighter. “Yeah, I thought I sensed some tension between you two. Are you sure you want to move in so soon? It seems like you guys just barely got over the last blowup.”

His sweet, understanding words made me cry even harder. “I’m sure. I’m just sad to be leaving all of you. What am I going to do without you to watch the puppies for me?”

“Who said I’m not going to watch the puppies for you anymore? You just try to keep those critters away from me,” he said, rocking and swaying with me now, in a comforting rhythm.

I nodded against his chest and held on for dear life. “I don’t know why I’m crying, I swear,” I said, my voice quaking, unable to settle down. “My whole team’s still back there. I feel so bad for deserting them.”

Trey chuckled, his deep, consoling laugh. “You’re not deserting them. You just traded up. They understand why you’re here.”

I wanted to ask him to explain it to me. Why did I agree to this? I felt like my world was crumbling down around me as it also spun out of control.

“Martin, where do you want—what the fuck’s going on?” Beau asked, making Trey and I turn our heads.

“We’re just having a moment, man. Give us a sec?” Trey asked as he continued holding me. Beau’s eyes dropped to my face. His face steeled, then he nodded before backing out of the door and shutting it.

“You ever need anything, kid, you don’t hesitate to call me. You hear what I’m saying through your blubbering tears?”

I started laughing despite myself. “I’m not blubbering, you big meanie.”

He chuckled and pushed back enough to look down into my face. “I’m kidding, G. Anytime of the day or night, I’ll come pick up you and the puppies. From anywhere.”

“I know. Because you’re the nicest guy in the world.”

“Not really, but somehow you’ve become my best friend. So, I’ll do anything for you.”

“I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. I’m probably just hormonal or something,” I said, wiping under my eyes with my fingers. “Let me go clean up and see what’s for supper.”

With that, Trey let me go.

However, he didn’t let go of that worried look on his face.

Later that night,after Beau sprung for pizza and beer for all of us, and I’d done my level best to pretend Beau and I were the happiest engaged couple around—I showered and fell into my new bed. In my new home.

I looked around at the bare walls and boxes.

Then I promptly began crying.


Gosh, I was turning into such a baby. I tried to watch a show on my phone, but nothing would keep my attention. Then I tried to read, but it was hard when you couldn’t see the words because of all the tears that wouldn’t stop falling.

So, here I was, a big, giant, ball of sucky baby. Good grief I needed to get my mind off this crappy turn of events. But how?