
“More developments on the Beau and Gigi front this week,” Lola said as the camera zoomed in on her.

Marco whistled, putting his arm around her. “You are not kidding, Lola. There have been some real shockers this week. Let’s take a quick look at how everything unfolded, shall we?” They both turned to the huge screen behind them.

Beau and Sienna were on the screen, she sat down beside him at a popular kids play place. Then the boys jumped up on their laps and they looked so—cute. Like a happy family.

They switched to show Beau and I walk out of my apartment, then he pulled me in for a kiss. “Aww,” some of the girls said as they watched. My stomach churned, knowing what more was to come. It showed me leaning on the railing of the balcony, watching like a lovesick puppy as Beau swaggered down the steps.

Next, they played a long clip of Sienna entering through the iron gate, then climbing the steps to my apartment—the first time.

Then it occurred to me why she’d been so ‘done up’.

The stupid cameras.

Of course.

“What I wouldn’t have given to be a fly on the wall for that meeting!” Marco exclaimed, the studio audience laughing at what he’d said. “Can you imagine?”

Lola shook her head, those heavily made up eyes of hers looking right into the camera as she fluttered her long, thick eyelashes. “No, Marco, I can’t! Now, let’s see what happened later in the week.”

A montage played a series of clips with Beau and Sienna. At the park again. Inside a couple of family friendly restaurants. Visiting some more children’s play places.

In each of them, Sienna was always grabbing onto Beau’s arm or hand—or cozying up to him in a booth. To be honest, he didn’t seem to be that bothered by her actions.

Then the screen changed abruptly to show me descending my steps in that beautiful, blue dress Monique had bought me in Montreal. Well, one of the dresses she’d bought. Beau met me at the iron gate and opened it for me. The way it looked on TV, we were going out together.

Which is what happened but wasn’t the original plan.

Next, it showed Beau pulling out a chair for me. Two seconds later, there was a montage of us at the table, talking, laughing—then Beau grasping my chin before he lowered his lips on mine.

Yeah, Sienna was right. Beau and I totally made out at the table.

Moments after that, we were in the back of the cab.


I felt a deep, hot blush come over me as I watched the two of us trying to devour each other in the backseat.

I sent a silent prayer up, hoping my mother wouldn’t see this.

Or Monique.

Or anyone I knew.

“Holy hotness,” Gianna said as she stuffed more popcorn into her mouth. “You two are really going at it.”

“That cab driver was not watching the road,” Niki spoke up right after.

They were both right. On all accounts.

While I watched, I could practically feel Beau’s fingers doing all of those amazing things.

The cameras caught us hurrying up to my apartment, Beau being all handsy as I unlocked the door. That made me smile. He couldn’t stop touching me.

Couldn’t—past tense.