“You need to shut your fucking mouth,” I said, starting to skate backward, waiting for him to make the first move.

He smiled his ugly smile right at me. “Aww, are you upset Gigi won’t ask you to join them?”

Once again, my gloves and stick flew across the ice before he could even get one glove off. I struck him in the nose, blood practically spurting from it on contact.

He touched his nose, then looked at his wet, red hand. “You fucker!” he said, his words garbled in his throat.

I managed to duck as he swung and missed.

I almost laughed at the vulnerable, rookie move he’d made. My hands grabbed onto his shoulders and tossed him backward onto the ice. He stumbled and crashed right onto his ass. It was almost laughable how stupid he looked.

“Had enough yet, Smythe?” I barked at him as I circled around the idiot.

He stood up, blood still running down his face.

“Enough boys,” the refs intercepted Smythe’s attempt to get to me. “Get that looked at, Smythe! Jesus, you’re making a mess all over the goddamn place.” One of the refs grabbed onto Smythe’s arm and dragged him along.

Smythe glared back at me, blood all over the front of his white jersey. He mouthed, “Fuck you,” as he skated off.