
“But the question remains, are Beau and Gigi over?” Marco asked with an exaggerated flair for the camera.

Lola flipped her hair, puckered up her lips and responded, “Gosh, I sure hope not, Marco. Those two are perfect together.”

Marco touched her arm. “Hold tight, Lola. Some of our crew members saw Beau and his baby mama out and about. It looked like there were some cozy times under the gazebo.” His eyebrow raised and a half-smirk formed on his face as the camera zoomed in.

Next, it flashed to a children’s park and panned to a couple sitting on a bench.

Beau and Sienna.

My stomach churned to see them together like that. Sitting on a bench, watching their kids play. Like the most normal, natural thing in the world.

The camera was a bit shaky, but the picture was clear. Sienna said something, then they both started laughing. She set her hand on his thigh—and he let her.

I recalled a few times during a game where I had visions of snapping an opponent’s hand off.

But never in day to day life.

Until now.

Right now, I wanted to crack Sienna’s manicured hand right off, then run over it repeatedly with a very large truck.

Sienna began wiping her eyes as she handed Beau a book. He looked down at it, then they hugged as she cried into his chest.

Now I wanted to break more than just her hand.

The room was quiet.

Nobody looked at me.

Jillian’s hand found mine and squeezed. I couldn’t bear to see the probable sympathetic expression on her face, so, I stared at the TV. Even though I was pretty sure my eyes were going to fall right out onto the floor.

Or maybe I just hoped they would.

“Oh, that does look cozy, Marco. I wonder how Gigi feels about all this?”

Marco smiled widely and said, “I’m not sure if she’s had much time to think lately. The women spent some time on the road for away games in Canada. And—let’s just say the women were busy…”

Clips of our team all dressed up for a night on the town began to play. It showed us on a dance floor in Vancouver, letting loose.

Jillian and I were dancing together, then two handsome guys joined us. The screen zero’d in on me. I was laughing as my dance partner was talking into my ear. I remember he’d said something stupid, but I couldn’t for the life of me think of exactly what.

Honestly, it had been completely innocent.

Well, on my part, anyway.

I could tell he was interested, but I’d put the kibosh on it right away. I’d told him I was only out for a fun time with my girls and not into anything else.

Still, the angle of the camera, the fact he’d put his arms around me as we danced to a slow song—the look on his face—darn it. It really made it look like a lot more than it actually was.

The next scene showed us in Winnipeg. Again, we were out at a large nightclub, enjoying the celebration from our series win.

This time, Gianna and I were dancing like crazy to our new, favorite song.

Just like last time, two guys approached, and I found myself separated from my teammate. The guy I danced with had been a really sweet, hometown, kind of guy.