Yeah, they were in the mood for a double fight tonight.

“Call off yours, asshole,” I said, skating around him so he had to turn and watch me.

“You really want me to mess up that pretty face?” he shot back with a sneer on his ugly mug. “You probably don’t care anymore now that Gigi kicked your ass to the curb. Maybe I’ll call her up and see how lonely she is.” He laughed, tossing his head backward. “Then she can see what it’s like to be with a real man.”

I could feel myself lose control.

And to be truthful, it felt like a fucking relief.

“But she’s probably a big, dirty slut. That’s who you always go for, right Moreau? Hot, easy, sluts.”

Something in my brain snapped.

Swear to God, I could hear it.

I chucked my stick and gloves off and hit that motherfucker before he even knew what was going on. He got in two good punches, the rest of his hits didn’t even connect.

The goddamn loser.

When I pushed him over, someone finally pulled me off him, but I was more than willing to continue. “Enough, Moreau. Christ,” I heard Trey’s voice behind me.

“Let me go!” I screamed at him, trying to get my arms out of his grip. But I couldn’t budge.

“Settle the hell down. It’s over,” he said, shaking my body, causing me to look around. Smythe was still on the ice, his face bloodied. His team doc was overtop of him, making sure he was okay.

I turned my head to Trey. “I’m fine, let me go.”

“Promise me you’re done, and I will.”

“I’m done you bastard. Now, let me go.” That’s when I noticed his face—already swollen and bloody. His eyebrow was cut quite deeply. “You’re supposed to hit back.”

He smiled, his teeth taking on a pink hue from his injured lip. “Asshole.”

I didn’t even knockon his door.

Instead, I twisted the handle and shoved. “If you ever do that again, I’m going to personally remove your balls!” My head felt like it was ready to pop right off my neck.

“Hey, buddy,” Trey said, attempting to smile. He couldn’t quite manage it because of the swelling on his lips.

“Don’t buddy me, asshole. What the hell were you doing out there tonight?” I slammed the door, then I heard the puppies bark out their shrill noises.

I heard her before I saw her. “Good job, you woke them up,” Geneviève said, setting her mug on the counter before stomping down the hall where the barks were coming from.

We hadn’t spoken since the twins had fallen asleep on her couch.

My eyes followed her as she walked, desperate to catch any glimpse of her that I could.

“What’s your problem, man?” Trey asked, placing an ice pack on his cheek. “Slow your roll, there’s a woman and puppies here.”

The puppies ran down the hall, directly to me.

I couldn’t help but smile as their cute bodies stumbled and bounded. They both let out high pitched whines when they reached me, licking my hands and jumping all over me like crazy.

“Hey, guys. I missed you, too.” I chuckled and picked up their anxious, little bodies. “You’ve grown so much since I saw you last.” They licked my face and kept trying to get closer to my face.

After our initial ‘hello’, I turned back to Trey. “Like I said, what were doing out there tonight? You know what kind of a dick Ivan is. Why do you let him get to you like that?”

“Pfft, you should talk, Moreau. What was that little stunt you pulled tonight?” Geneviève said as she traipsed back to the kitchen and grabbed her mug.