Then my name.

Then Lexi’s name.

“Holy shit,” I said, letting my head fall forward as the gravity of the current situation hit me. Hard.


“Oh, my God. What the hell did we do last night?” I muttered to myself. However, an answer came from behind me.

“Look, I realize I don’t know you at all, but I haven’t been this hungover in a while. Do you think you could keep it down for a few more hours?” Lexi grumbled in a muffled voice. She must be talking into her pillow.

I gingerly turned back around and held out the paper still in my hand. “Did you see this?” I asked, wondering how much of last night she remembered.

Christ, how much did I remember?

I tried my best to rewind my brain without if hurting too much.

Flashes of bright lights, loud music, more bright lights, and more loud music—then I recalled removing that pink dress of hers from her smokin’ hot body.

After that, all I remembered was a tangle of arms and legs—and everything in between.

She didn’t move, so, I gently nudged her shoulder. “Sweetheart, take a look for a sec, will ya?” I asked, my voice holding a bit more annoyance than I had intended. I didn’t want to be the only one freaking out about what we’d done.

“Ugh, what are you going on and on about, man? I just want a few more hours of sleep and then I’ll be out of your way,” she said as she reluctantly rolled over. Her hair was plastered to her face and she kept trying unsuccessfully to swipe it off her face.

I let out a chuckle, even though it hurt my head. “Here, here, move your hands,” I said, brushing away her long locks so she could see. Her makeup was smeared all over her beautiful face.

Almost like it had melted and run directly down and sideways.

Even still, this chick was hot.

I handed her the marriage certificate and she held it up to her face. “My eyes don’t work yet. Hang on,” she said, making me laugh as she closed her eyes and dropped her hand down to the bed.

After a minute, her mouth went slack, and her breathing slowed.

“Lexi, wake up,” I said, poking her in the arm.

She jolted awake, her bleary looking eyes finding me. “I wasn’t sleeping. I was just resting my eyes.”

Her attitude more than amused me.

This was far from my first one-night stand.

Absolutely not the first time I’d slept with someone after just meeting them.

But every time I’d been in this situation, it was always me telling the woman—or women—to be quiet and let me sleep.

When you played at this level of hockey, a multitude of chicks became available at your beck and call.

Some were just out for a good time.

Some were interested in trapping you and starting something more.

And that was the very last thing in the world I was interested in.

Nope, not me.

I’d never settle down.