Chapter Thirty-Eight or “Someday…”

Some Years later


“We won’t be able to do the procedure today, Mrs. Martin-Moreau,” the doctor said as she entered the exam room.

“Why not? Is something wrong with the IUD?”

“No, you’re pregnant.”

“Are the boys home?”I asked as I stormed into the kitchen and tossed my purse onto the large, marble island.

Beau kept his eyes on me as I rummaged through my purse.

“Not yet, why?”

I tossed the plastic pregnancy test on the island and said, “Because, this.”

He stood up and walked almost cautiously to the other side of the island and picked up what I’d thrown down.

His eyes examined it. “Is this yours?” he asked, his voice hesitant. He stared at the test again, for longer this time.

“No, Beau, I tackled some poor, unsuspecting, pregnant woman at work and stole it from her,” I said, my voice sounding every bit as sarcastic as I’d meant it.

“You need to stop doing that.”

I let out a reluctant laugh. “Beau,” I said, my eyes starting to well up as my throat went dry.

“We’re having a baby?” he asked while he walked around the island, that sexy, trademarked grin on his face.

“Technically, I’ll be having it. But yes, you’ve got the general idea correct.”

“From that one time.” His arms caged me in, and his spicy, manly scent surrounded me.

I’d decided to take a break from the IUD before they gave me another one. Beau knew this and had taken it as a personal challenge as soon as I’d told him.

“You tricked me.”

He chuckled his low, deep laugh. “You reached for the drawer, but then you stopped,” he said, pointing out the truth.

I had reached for the condoms.

And then I didn’t.

“Every time after that I made sure we used protection.”

“You got scared. But my guys got there first.” He touched his lips so gently and so sweetly to the side of my face, it made me shiver. “I put all my hockey player vibes into helping those swimmers get to where they needed to be.”

“Is that the technical term for it? Because I don’t remember reading that in any of my medical textbooks.”

“I saw the opportunity for a breakaway, and I took it.”

“Is that why you were muttering, ‘Go, go, go! He shoots, he scores!’”

“Everyone hustles better with a little encouragement. And because of that, I got you pregnant at will.”