

All I wanted to do was read my sexy book.

And all my mother wanted me to do was take out the garbage constantly.

It seemed like she was asking me every five minutes.

“One more chapter and I’ll do it,” I whined, not wanting to stop reading yet. I was at a really, really good part.

“Gigi? Daddy said I’m supposed to take your book away so you do your chores,” Cooper said to me with the face of an angel.

“Pfft, tell your daddy he’s not the boss of me.”

Cooper giggled himself silly as he bounced away.

“Geneviève, you are a bad influence on my children,” Beau said as he plunked down beside me on the couch.

“So are you. Why don’t you show them how a man takes out the garbage?” I muttered, turning the page.

“Other than textbooks and harem books, is there anything else you read?”

I sighed loudly and lowered the book to my chest. “Reverse harem books. And yes, I like student/professor books.”

“Does your mother know you read this stuff?” he asked, tapping the book with his finger.

I frowned at him and said, “Most of these are hers.”

“It’s true. Noémie has shelves full of these books,” Jase said, tossing a book to Beau.

He looked at it and said, “None of my professors ever looked like that.”

I couldn’t have stopped the laugh that came out of my mouth even if I’d tried. “The idea is to escape reality.”

“Then they’ve done a hell of a job,” Beau said before leaning down to kiss me. “Jase is going to show us the property. Do you want to come with us?”

I raised my book back up and continued from where I’d left off. “Nah, I’ve already seen it.”

Beau stood up and walked away—laughing the whole time.


“Areyou sure this will work? I don’t think anything will get her off that couch,” I whispered to Noémie as I got the boys ready. She and Jase were going to take them for a long drive to look at the holiday lights.

“Yeah, the only thing she’ll move for is food, bathroom breaks, or a newly flooded and frozen rink. Don’t worry,” she whispered back low enough so Geneviève wouldn’t hear. “I’ll text you before we come home. Good luck,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

I wasn’t sure why, but the butterflies in my stomach had gotten worse as the day went on. Now as this was all becoming real, I began doubting whether I could pull this off after all.

It had seemed like a great plan this morning while Noémie and I had coffee on the porch.

But now, I wasn’t so sure.

Besides, the chances seemed nil that Geneviève would willingly leave the couch anyway.

Still, it was worth a shot.