I punched his shoulder and rolled my eyes. “Wow, I’ve never heard that before,” I answered sarcastically. And it was true. Pretty much any guy who met my mom—whether they were just my friend or something more—commented on how hot she was.

“I’ll just have to check for a birthmark on your inner thigh.”

I frowned at him. “I don’t have a birthmark there.”

“I’ll check anyway.” He laughed and I shook my head as I grabbed the shopping bags from the store.

This was going to be a long trip.

“Well, there’s always swimming,”I said to Beau while we watched the boys cry huge, crocodile tears—as they sprawled out like angry starfish on the ice. “The way they’re kicking their arms and legs around would come in handy in the pool.”

Despite the current situation, he let out a loud laugh. “Of course, my kids would be the only kids in Canada right now who hate skating.”

We both chuckled at that thought. Beau Moreau’s sons unable to skate.

“Oh, they’ll be fine. Geneviève cried twice that bad at her first lesson,” my mom said as she skated passed us. Then she stopped in front of the boys and set two small pylonson the ice. She spoke to them and gave each one a ringette ring.

Then she helped them up for the umpteenth time. The new game seemed to stop their tears for now.

I watched Beau’s face as he kept an eye on his boys. You could just tell by the way he looked at them how much he loved them both. It warmed my insides to know he had that.

“Race you to the other end,” I said, then sped off before he registered what I’d said.

“Ah, Martin the cheater is back,” I heard him say behind me as his hands gripped my hips.

I let out a loud laugh and slowed down. “Interference, Moreau! You can’t pick up a competitor,” I said while he lifted me, then set me down as he turned.

“I’m going to do a lot more than that tonight,” he said into my ear, making me shiver.

“In your dreams,” I shot back, pretending I was offended—when I was anything but.

“Yeah, that, too.” Then he gave me the sweetest of kisses.