
“What do you think they’re going to do?” Jillian asked me over the phone. I’d been keeping her up to date on everything that was going on here.

She’d left to go back home a couple of days ago.

“They said there’s no medical reason for him not to be awake. He’s off all the sedatives, his tests all look great.” But he still refused to wake up for some reason.

“Maybe he has a long-lost love that could come back and kiss him?”

We both laughed at the absurdity of her suggestion.

Then I stopped laughing as an idea popped into my head. “Jillian, you’re a genius!”

“This is seriouslythe worst idea ever,” Beau whisper-yelled as we both kept a sharp eye out for any security guards who may pop up in our way.

“Shh, it’ll work. Just hush.”

“Don’t you think I’m in enough trouble? They’re going to throw away the key if they catch us doing this.”

I turned my head to him but kept walking to our destination. “Could you be any more dramatic? First of all, they’ll only throw you back in the can if we get caught.” The way his face dropped, and his shoulders sagged made me laugh. “Would you relax? It’ll be fine. Just follow my lead.”

We walked into the ward, each of us carrying large bags with us. The nurses were more than used to seeing us visit by now, so they didn’t give us much notice.

I hurried to Trey’s room and breathed a sigh of relief. “Phew,” I said, ushering Beau in, then shutting the door behind him.

“Geneviève, we need to discuss certain aspects of our relationship when we get home,” Beau said, setting his bag on the bed and opening it. I did the same.

“Oh shush, you big ninny. Have you always been a nervous Nancy?”

“Only when I’m doing stuff that’s illegal.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. “Chill out, Nancy, and grab your puppy.”

He did what I asked him, little Gordie starting to whine as soon as he got a whiff of his uncle—whom he hadn’t seen in days.

“Shh, little guy,” Beau said in a soft voice as he smiled at the noisy puppy. “Here, tickle his hand,” he suggested, lifting Trey’s hand up and setting it on top of Gordie.

I scooped Angel out of her bag, then she immediately started to make the same crying sound for her beloved uncle. “Aww, they miss him so much, isn’t it sweet?” I asked Beau as I sighed.

“Geneviève, watch out!” Beau said, but it was too late. Angel had been so enthusiastic about seeing Trey, she jumped right out of my arms and onto Trey’s stomach.

“Oopsie,” I said, trying to swipe her little body into my hand. But the little turkey scampered right out of it and up to Trey’s face. “Double oopsie.”

She kissed him and licked him with such fervor, it was so touching.

And really funny—in a sadistic kind of way, because Trey couldn’t stop her. I let out a loud, snorty laugh, then I heard Beau start laughing too.

Not to be outdone, Gordie scurried up to where his sister stood, licking Trey’s face like crazy, and joined right in.

I hadn’t laughed so hard since before Trey’s accident, and it felt freaking great to finally do something else besides cry and worry. Even Beau couldn’t stop laughing.

“I was wrong, Geneviève, this is definitely worth another night in jail.” He laughed, as he wiped his eyes.

“Oh my gosh, you drama queen. It was a couple of hours.” I laughed even louder when Angel crawled over Trey’s face and sat on his head. “This is really inappropriate,” I said, doubling over because I was finding it difficult to catch my breath.

“I know, we should take them back home,” Beau said, his eyes on me. He was smiling so big and so wide, it made my heart double in size.